2008年4月10日 星期四

Wal-mart為何 green Effie Award得獎?

via: http://www.ssireview.org/articles/entry/the_greening_of_wal_mart/

Wal-mart 在低價競爭力之外, 企圖再建立更積極的社會形象, 消弭社會大眾的低工資等負面形象. 環保綠色是其選定重點, 運用強大採購影響力, 積極強化綠色商品線. 依照史丹佛大學商學院社會創新研究所這篇報導看起來, 成效斐然!

In 1989, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. launched one of the first major retail campaigns to sell environmentally safe products in recyclable or biodegradable packaging. The corporation promoted these eco-friendly products by labeling them with green-colored shelf tags. Although the company boasted more than 300 green products at its peak, it did not directly set or monitor the environmental standards of its suppliers. This resulted in negative publicity for Wal-Mart when the public learned that a green-labeled brand of paper towels had only a recycled tube – the towels themselves were unrecycled paper treated with chlorine bleach. The green tag program began to wane, and by the mid-1990s environmental issues seemed to have slipped off the company’s list of priorities.
