Published: April 21, 2008 NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Research firm Millward Brown recently took its annual look at which "brand" -- that is, the stuff of a product or service's intangible relationship with consumers -- contributes the most to its overall value. As you'd expect, luxe marketing creations such as Louis Vuitton, Porsche, Hermès, Gucci and Cartier, affordable to so few, top the list. But No. 6 comes as a surprise. The opposite of luxe, this one is found in more than 40 varieties, is used by million upon millions and retails for just a few bucks in most grocery stores.
WPP集團品牌研究公司 Millward Brown 公佈
不讓Omnicom集團 Interbrand公司的 Best Global Brand專美於前!
全球一百大品牌 Google再奪冠
‧聯合新聞網 2008/04/22
市場研究及顧問公司Millward Brown評選2008年度全球一百大品牌,搜尋引擎龍頭Google以861億美元的品牌價值連續兩年高居榜首。Google品牌價值去年大增三成。該公司上周公布第一季財報淨收入成長31%
市場研究及顧問公司Millward Brown評選2008年度全球一百大品牌,搜尋引擎龍頭Google以861億美元的品牌價值連續兩年高居榜首。