Sustainability: A New Landscape of Discussion是4月1日尼爾遜公司一篇報告的標題 廣告雜誌網站引述報導的標題是:Do People Care About Your 'Green' Message? Yes
The report calls greenwashing a "failed corporate strategy" and urges brands to aim for transparency and consistency instead. "Bloggers are quick to condemn 'greenwashing' when they suspect companies misrepresent their environmental impact with aggressive PR campaigns -- as spurious attempts to be 'green,'" according to "Sustainability Through the Eyes and Megaphones of the Blogosphere." Sustainability's buzz volume The blogosphere is exploding with talk about "sustainability," with buzz volume growing more than 106% since September 2006, when blogger messages on the topic totaled 83,000. By December 2007, messages jumped to 172,000, Nielsen said.
So if you're a marketer eager to start listening to this conversation online about sustainability, where should you begin? Start with the most popular sustainability blogs online. Nielsen ranked Discovery Channel's TreeHugger.com No. 1 with 4,612 messages related specifically to sustainability in 2007. Worldchanging.com was ranked No. 2, followed by Biopact.com, theoildrum.com and alternativeconsumer.com.
Biopact, Teoildrum討論能源議題, 不在本部落格核心範圍.