via : http://thechronicleherald.ca/Business/1048971.html
Change is an independent firm working with brands that want to embrace sustainability. And be rewarded for it.
Change is led by Marc Stoiber. After working in a traditional ad agency environment for over 20 years, Marc Stoiber recognized a shift in consumer priorities. In short, he saw sustainability evolving into a key brand differentiator – and potentially, a key marketing advantage.
Marc Stoiber在傳統廣告公司工作20年後, 2005年創立Change廣告公司. 專注於環保永續的廣告溝通服務, Marc Stoiber先生在一場演講中指出 :
A recent study by TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, which manages the EcoLogo program launched by Ottawa in 1988 to certify green products, found that 99 per cent of 1,018 common consumer products were guilty of so-called "greenwashing."