說故事, 既簡單又困難, 不是嗎? 平凡處見真章!
1997年有個想法 Pulishing is communication.
出版啥?想了這麼個十多年, 〔融會貫通, 深入淺出〕是具體方針.
感謝明達, 去年春夏之交, 介紹認識溫小姐, 在人生低潮最困頓時, 帶來樂趣溫暖. 第二次見面, 她說我就是她要找的人, 意外不解, 正常知識邏輯不足以解釋. 慢慢聽了故事, 真想幫她, 又沒把握. 明達叫我少做夢, 教她開店不是吳世欽能做到的事.
感謝江翠華, 謝添財, 孫心皓, 讓故事沒斷.
人生事, 過程重要? 目地重要?
有心無意? 無心有意?
我說十年後到歐洲賣東方文化, 大家當我瘋子, 反正聽我胡說八道不要錢, 狼又來了!
終於昨天溫小姐說有人要我寫小說, 心頭一震!
夢想不一定成真, 溫馨李舍 幸福合作社, 該寫企劃書啦!
故事不只是故事, 有皮有肉有骨.
在想象力的世界, 沒有路, 也沒有牆!
天下沒一件簡單事, 也沒有一件不可能!
心領神會, 次第修行.

Corporate StorytellingStrategic Stories: How 3M is Rewriting Business Planning, by Gordon Shaw, Robert Brown and Phillip Bromiley, Harvard Business Review, May-June 1998 issue, Reprint 98310Why Every Company Needs A Story, Edward O. Welles, Inc. Magazine, May 1996, pp. 69The Story Factor, Annette Simmons, 2000, Perseus PublishingThe Power of Stories When Cultures Merge, Johnny Harben, Journal of Strategic Communications Management, issue 10, pp. 16-26The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual, Rick Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls and David Weinberger, 2001, Perseus Publishing.Telling Stories, Beth Ann Holden, New Age’s Body & Soul, 1999, pp. 31-36Tell Me a Story, Beth Ann Holden, Incentive, Feb. 1999, pp. 65-66Storytelling in Organization: Facts, Fictions and Fantasie, Yiannis Gabriel, 2000, Oxford University PressManaging by Storying Around: A New Method of Leadership, David Armstrong, 1992, Doubleday Dell PublishingThe Leadership Engine: How Winning Companies Build Leaders At Every Level, Noel M. Tichy, 1997, Harper BusinessCorporate Legends and Lore: The Power of Storytelling as a Management Tool, Peg C. Neuhauser, 1993, PCN AssociatesThe Springboard: How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organizations, Stephen Denning, 2000, Butterworth-HeinemennThe Dream Society, Rolf Jensen, The Futurist, May-June 1996 issueThe Nike Story? Just Tell It!, Eric Ransdell, Fast Company, Issue 31, p. 44