2008年4月2日 星期三


UK marketers have overwhelmingly named Marks & Spencer as the UK’s greenest brand in Marketing Week’s latest investigation into the profession’s views on environmental commitment.

A lot of this is obviously to do with image, with M&S recently charging for plastic carrier bags. 10 Greenest Brands1. Marks & Spencer2. The Body Shop3. Innocent4. Co-Op5. Ecover6. Honda7. Waitrose8. Tesco9. BP10. Greenpeace10 Worst Brands McDonalds has starting converting old chip fat into biodiesel to power its lorries, but this failed to improve it's un-green image. Probably all the chavs leaving smelly rubbish on the tube don't help. 1. Shell2. Exxon Esso3. McDonalds4. BP5. BA6. Ryanair7. BAA9. Coca-Cola9. E.on10. British Gas

via : http://www.jollygreenblogger.co.uk/2008/04/top-ten-greenest-brands.html
