2008年4月12日 星期六

Making Your Brand the Right Shade of Green

via : http://www.brandchannel.com/brand_speak.asp?bs_id=190

Making Your Brand the Right Shade of Green

by Graham Hales April 7, 2008 issue
Let’s start with a fact.
Whichever terms you choose to characterize it—Going Green, Environmental Stewardship, Sustainable Development—the eco-agenda is not a fad. It’s here to stay.
Whilst some brands are actively engaged in the movement, other brands ignore it, and still others sit on the sidelines. Like any "new" aspect to a market, the eco-agenda started with a degree of hesitancy and uncertainty.

Chief Communication Officiaf for Interbrand 的這篇文章從行銷業者的角度, 明確分析, 不能忽視環保生態議題的原因, 也細述實務上難行之處, 值得深思!
