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Personally Speaking
We hate cleaning. But the Eco-Me DIY cleaning supplies kit almost made cleaning fun. Almost.
Wanna Try?
Wanna Try?
Eco-Me Home Kit - refillable, easy-measure bottles and natural organic oils make it supereasy to whip up your own cleaning supplies with household items like baking soda and vinegar ($26).
Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Carpet Cleaner - bio formula freshens up and gets odors out of your carpet, rugs, and upholstery ($7/22 oz).
Caldrea Dish Soap Liquid - concentrated and offered in six scents; we heart the ginger pomelo version ($8/16 oz).
Method Omop Starter Kit - avoid Swiffer-like waste with a washable, reusable pad plus biodegradable floor-cleaning liquid ($30).
Shaklee Get Clean Scour Off Paste - this paste works like your powder scrub - if not better - but avoids Comet-esque chem dust ($9/9 oz).
Seventh Generation Toilet Bowl Cleaner - chlorine-free throne cleaner in a partially recycled package; smells like the mountains ($4/32 oz).
Ecover Glass and Surface Cleaner - get your windows and tile gleaming with this 2-in-1, no-streak solution ($4/16 oz).
Method Wood for Good - gets grime out and brings the shine without petroleum wax ($5/12 oz).
About.com - baking soda, lemon juice, and vinegar are great natural cleaners if you're into DIY.
市面上一般銷售的清潔劑, 都含有界面活性劑 螢光劑 乳化劑.......等等有害化學成份,
若要避免, 有兩種方法.
第一. DIY, 使用小蘇打, 醋, 薑.......等等原料, 自己動手做.
第二. 購買天然無毒環保清潔劑, 上面推薦品牌, 代表美國市場知名度和信賴度高的一些品牌. Ecover我用過, Shaklee 台灣買得到, 至於, Seventh Generation, Method尚未發現市場銷售的痕跡.
本土進口品牌還有歐日品牌, 以網路銷售為主, 不成氣候.
茶樹精油產品是市場當紅保養品成份, 美樂家直銷是推手, 以個人保養品為主, 清潔劑為輔.