via : http://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/02/terracycle_and.php , http://www.terracycle.net/
terracycle與重視環保的知名品牌合作, 回收包裝材料, 製造出有環保蓋念的商品和園藝用品. 多棒的商業模式! 對這Stonyfield Farm, Clif Bar些品牌, 如獲至寶, 替他們解決環保問題, terracycle獲得知名品牌支持, 產品推廣, 省事省力.
“TerraCycle has a unique opportunity to help larger companies to reduce their waste streams, while procuring zero cost materials to make eco-friendly products.” Says TerraCycle Founder and CEO, Tom Szaky. “This idea, called ‘Sponsored Waste’, benefits any large company with a non-recyclable packaging and helps TerraCycle provide consumers with affordably priced, eco-friendly products.”
So by taking Producer Responsibility for the packaging of their products, these companies create a fundraising activity for the organizations, build consumer goodwill, eliminate their products from the taxpayer-supported recycling stream, and make cool new products that create jobs. It is a win-win-win for everyone except for the companies who are too short-sighted to participate in such things.
My next Clif Bar will taste even better now.