via :http://theorganicbeautyexpert.typepad.com/the_organic_beauty_expert/2008/03/celebrate-earth.html
When it comes to sustainability, it's challenging to score a perfect 10. Enter Pangea Organics and Lexus Hybrid Living’s “Nurture Nature,” a social and environmental awareness event in celebration of Earth Day Awareness Month. The purpose of the evening is to create an eco-friendly atmosphere to illustrate that sustainability isn’t always black and white, but rather a spectrum, or varying shades, of green. Even in small steps, milestones can be achieved.
4月2日紐約一場 門票125美金的"Nurtue Nature活動", 由Pangea Organics&Lexus Hybrid Living主辦.
Pangea Organics是一家獲獎連連的有機保養品牌, Lexus汽車推動Hybrid Living, 邀請環保永續大師PaulHawken演講, 一系列協辦單位, 都大有來頭:Co-sponsors include: Lexus Hybrid Living, Dagoba Organic Chocolate, Natural Solutions, Afterglow Cosmetics, Nandina, Ideal Bite, Good Magazine, and Plenty Magazine. In-kind sponsors include: Veev Acai Spirit, Rain Vodka, Frey Vineyards, Lumia Organic, Bag the Habit, Sambazon, Numi Organic Tea and To-Go Ware.
Pangea Organics的成功, 絕非倖得, 能夠辦出高價收費的品牌推廣活動, 功力高強. 在品牌繁多的有機保養品市場, 要能脫潁而出, 行銷溝通扮演重要角色.