Dunder Mifflin is committed to improving the environment. That's why we plant a tree for each and every metric ton of paper that we ship. We look at it as an investment in the future because without trees, we have no paper and without paper, we have no business.
紙業公司如何能默視環保議題?紙的製造過程本身是非常不環保的, Donder Muffin公司的綠色政策是誠實的, Treehugger網站的評論 Think Green : As Green as You Have To Be.
TreeHugger knows that every green business can't be perfectly green, and we don't want to promote the idea that perfection is what the green movement is all about. That's why we like Dunder Mifflin's approach; they aren't trying to be something they're not, and not trying to paint lipstick on a pig and talk more green talk than they can back up with enough green walk. The company tells it like it is, plain, simple and straightforward. It's important that they strike a balance between sustainable business growth and sustainable business practices -- they're trying "to make the world a better place while not simultaneously running us out of our own business" -- and they appear to have done it.
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