Baking soda (NOT "Arm & Hammer Detergent"!) - 1 cup per load
Sodium Perborate - a chlorine-free, natural bleaching mineral(sold as "Country Save non-chlorine bleach" - HFS)
White Vinegar - 1 cup in rinse cycle to soften clothes and remove odors and residual detergent
Use one of the suggested dishwashing liquids for spot removal - great for grease, ketchup, and other stains!
Dr. Bronner's Unscented Baby Castile Liquid Soap (HFS or NEEDS)
Country Save, Earthrite, Ecover, or Seventh Generation laundry detergent (HFS)
Granny's Old-Fashioned Concentrate (HFS or NEEDS)
All-Free, Cheer-Free, or Tide-Free if you feel you must use a "regular" detergent. These products at least do not contain fragrances, but they do contain other petrochemicals and are not the "best" choice if you are trying to reduce your toxic exposures.
Personal-Care Products
NOTE: Use nothing on your skin that you'd be afraid to eat! Products are absorbed through the skin into the blood stream just as if you'd eaten them!
Pure Essentials Fragrance-Free Shampoo (HFS) - also make a conditioner
Giovanni's Tea Tree Shampoo (contains no sodium laurel sulfate or propylene glycol!)
Granny's Old-Fashioned Shampoo (HFS) - also make a conditioner
Dr. Bronner's Unscented Baby Castile Liquid Soap
2. SOAP:
Sirena Pure Coconut Oil Soap
Kiss My Face Pure Olive Oil Soap
Dr. Bronner's Baby Supermild Soap
Dr. Bronner's Unscented Baby Castile Liquid Soap
Baking soda (NOT "Arm & Hammer Detergent"!) - 1 cup per load
Sodium Perborate - a chlorine-free, natural bleaching mineral(sold as "Country Save non-chlorine bleach" - HFS)
White Vinegar - 1 cup in rinse cycle to soften clothes and remove odors and residual detergent
Use one of the suggested dishwashing liquids for spot removal - great for grease, ketchup, and other stains!
Dr. Bronner's Unscented Baby Castile Liquid Soap (HFS or NEEDS)
Country Save, Earthrite, Ecover, or Seventh Generation laundry detergent (HFS)
Granny's Old-Fashioned Concentrate (HFS or NEEDS)
All-Free, Cheer-Free, or Tide-Free if you feel you must use a "regular" detergent. These products at least do not contain fragrances, but they do contain other petrochemicals and are not the "best" choice if you are trying to reduce your toxic exposures.
Personal-Care Products
NOTE: Use nothing on your skin that you'd be afraid to eat! Products are absorbed through the skin into the blood stream just as if you'd eaten them!
Pure Essentials Fragrance-Free Shampoo (HFS) - also make a conditioner
Giovanni's Tea Tree Shampoo (contains no sodium laurel sulfate or propylene glycol!)
Granny's Old-Fashioned Shampoo (HFS) - also make a conditioner
Dr. Bronner's Unscented Baby Castile Liquid Soap
2. SOAP:
Sirena Pure Coconut Oil Soap
Kiss My Face Pure Olive Oil Soap
Dr. Bronner's Baby Supermild Soap
Dr. Bronner's Unscented Baby Castile Liquid Soap
這份資料是個Chronic Fatigue Syndrume(慢性疲勞症), Multiple Chemical Sensitivity(多發性化學過敏症) 病癒後, 一些無毒生活心得. 提到好多無毒清潔劑品牌, 上面是洗衣劑, 洗面乳, 洗髮精的建議 ,下面是身體除臭劑和牙膏品牌的建議. 可惜不是台灣都買得到!
Mineral crystal stones (or spray) - least toxic choice (HFS)
Queen Helene, Unscented Deodorant (HFS) - does contain propylene glycol, a petrochemical, but at least it's unscented!
le Stick French Green Clay Deodorant (Unscented)
Baking soda
French clay powder (HFS)
Corn Starch (great for powder!) - in the baking section of your grocery store (do not use if you have a problem with yeast infections since corn can "feed" the yeast!)
4. TOOTHPASTE: (Avoid fluoride - it's toxic and doesn't help cavities anyway!)
Tom's of Maine (HFS)
Weleda (HFS)
Tea Tree Oil Toothpaste - various brands (HFS)
Jason's (contains no sodium laurel sulfate or propylene glycol!)
Baking Soda
Mineral crystal stones (or spray) - least toxic choice (HFS)
Queen Helene, Unscented Deodorant (HFS) - does contain propylene glycol, a petrochemical, but at least it's unscented!
le Stick French Green Clay Deodorant (Unscented)
Baking soda
French clay powder (HFS)
Corn Starch (great for powder!) - in the baking section of your grocery store (do not use if you have a problem with yeast infections since corn can "feed" the yeast!)
4. TOOTHPASTE: (Avoid fluoride - it's toxic and doesn't help cavities anyway!)
Tom's of Maine (HFS)
Weleda (HFS)
Tea Tree Oil Toothpaste - various brands (HFS)
Jason's (contains no sodium laurel sulfate or propylene glycol!)
Baking Soda