2008年4月17日 星期四


via : (Madison+Vine, Advertising Age) Testing the boubdaries of brand entertainmentPublished:
April 14, 2008
The arrival of commercial ratings, the strength of reality TV and the growth of reliable metrics are helping open new paths in cable branded entertainment.

A more respectable profession
Now that the profession has grown in stature and respectability, cable channels and their marketing partners are engaged in much more sophisticated partnerships. Some, such as MTV, have woven shows around brands -- for example, "The Gamekillers" for Unilever's Axe body spray. The logo slapping has given way to an ability by marketers to hold back in favor of subtler tactics in placement, in the wider interests of improving engagement from TV show to commercial pod.
Boost in ad revenue
Branded entertainment also has been a booster for cable coffers. Rainbow Media cable network IFC has seen a leap in revenue, even though it runs 10 "program breaks" a day compared with a typical cable channel, which might air up to 130.

品牌置入行銷娛樂化(Branded Entertainment)是從電影電視節目開始, 打破傳統廣告製作和媒體收費模式, 這個趨勢發展出許多週邊配套服務.
或許把這個策略注入在一種小媒體(書籍, 網站)也行得通!
