2008年4月28日 星期一


via : [articleselect.com] 50 Tips For Going Green At The Office

1. Use whiteboards instead of flip charts. Interactive whiteboards electronically save the data written on them. If you don't have or can't afford an interactive whiteboard, consider taking a digital photograph of the writing on a whiteboard. Save it on a computer then use OCR software to interpret the text and make the whiteboard notes searchable. This will save paper and time as employees won't have to record the information during presentations.2. Buy electronic (paperless) tablets for employees who are more productive handwriting their thoughts on paper than entering their ideas via a computer keyboard. 3. Whenever possible print double-sided copies and check that this functionality is available when purchasing a new printer. Not all printers have this ability. If your existing printer doesn’t automatically provide this option, document how to do it manually by printing every other page then reinserting the paper into the printer to print on the other side and make sure employees understand how to do this.4. Use a fax modem to send faxes directly to and from a computer for easier data storage, searchability and file transfer. Print only the faxes that are needed in hard copy format to save on printer ink or toner and paper. 5. Eliminate unnecessary fax cover sheets.6. Use paper, file folders, toilet paper, and paper towels made from recycled paper. Recycle paper and cardboard discarded in the office.7. Store data on CD's and DVD's to eliminate as many paper files as possible. This method of storage also takes up far less physical space in an office and is searchable on a computer faster and easier than hard copy documentation. 8. Use rewritable CD's and DVD's whenever possible. This will minimize the number of single use discs that end up in landfill sites.9. Consider ceiling fans to help circulate the air in the office. This is particularly beneficial when used to supplement air conditioning and will reduce air conditioning costs.10. If possible, install windows that open. Many office facilities are constructed with sealed windows eliminating the ability to cool the facilities by just letting cooler air in from outside. Remember to keep windows closed when the heat or air conditioning is on.11. Regularly maintain heating and cooling systems and keep filters clean to get maximum efficiency.12. Turn off unnecessary lights. This is especially important when temperatures soar to reduce air conditioning needs.13. Install LED Exit signs that use less energy than their incandescent or fluorescent counterparts.14. Keep lighting fixture surfaces clean to benefit from their maximum output. Built up dust, dirt and grease can lessen their effectiveness.15. Use windows blinds to help regulate the temperature in the office. Close them to block out the hot sun in the summer and reduce air conditioning needs. Keep them open in the winter to use the sun to help warm the office.16. Relax the dress code to permit employees to dress comfortably for winter and summer temperatures to save on heating and cooling costs even if it means no business suits.17. Bring plants into the office to improve the air quality. A few varieties known for their ability to remove toxins such as acetone, ammonia, formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene gases from air include the Peace Lily, English Ivy, Spider Plant, Snake Plant, Weeping Fig, Heartleaf and Elephant Ear Philodendrons, Areca and Lady Palms, Devils Ivy, Rubber Plant, Boston Fern, Chinese Evergreen, Cornstalk and Red-edged Dracaenas, Chrysanthemums and Gerbera Daisies.18. Install a programmable thermostat with a seven day setting and set it so that minimal heating or air conditioning is being used during evenings, overnight and on weekends. 19. When heating or air conditioning is running, keep exterior doors closed to prevent energy loss.20. When it comes time to replace heating and cooling systems, buy high efficiency units.21. Purchase energy efficient office equipment. Like household appliances, office equipment is manufactured with varying degrees of efficiency. Do the research. Look for the Energy Star ratings. The more efficient the item, the less heat it will produce thereby reducing cooling costs.22. Paint offices in light colours to make best use of the available lighting. Dark colours can absorb light requiring additional or stronger lighting to compensate. When painting remember to use environmentally friendly paints that are less toxic and produce little or no fumes.23. Place employees' desks near windows if possible to utilize natural light and minimize the amount of indoor lighting required. 24. Use fluorescent or compact fluorescent bulbs wherever possible. Replace old fluorescent lighting fixtures with newer, more efficient models.25. Install motion sensors or timed light switches in employee restrooms for ventilation fans and lights. 26. Use power bars with switches to make it easier to turn off equipment in the office when not in use.27. Turn off printers and monitors at lunchtime and all office equipment not being used – computers, monitors, printers – at night and on the weekends. 28. Unplug computer, battery and phone chargers when not in use. They still use electricity even if they’re not charging anything.29. Consider buying laptops instead of desktops. They can use up to 90% less energy, save time and paper by allowing employees to take notes directly on their computers during meetings instead of later transcribing handwritten paper notes, and give employees the option of telecommuting.30. Switch your screensaver option to 'blank' or 'none'. Screensavers use energy too.31. Replace old cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors with flat screen monitors. Not only are flat screens more energy efficient but they're also easier on the eyes. Make sure you recycle your old monitors.32. Let employees work from home whenever possible. This will reduce vehicle carbon emissions and lower energy use at the office. They can still communicate with everyone back at the office via an internet connection. You might find too that you'll also have happier and more productive employees as a result.33. Conduct meetings with clients, associated offices or telecommuting employees via phone, video or internet chat conferences to eliminate the need for meeting participants to travel to a central location. It's not just emissions that are eliminated by doing this as participants can be more productive using the time that would be spent on travel for more important matters.34. Encourage employees to bike, car pool and/or use public transportation to minimize carbon emissions. Consider offering incentives such as a monthly draw for a free lunch for employees who use environmentally friendly transportation alternatives. If employees must drive their own vehicles to work, consider adopting a flex time schedule to allow them to commute during non-rush hour times of the day. Energy is wasted and emissions are increased by cars idling in traffic jams.35. Hire a virtual assistant instead of a permanent employee or an employee from a temp agency. A virtual assistant works from his/her own home so this keeps a car off the road and eliminates the need for a larger facility to accommodate another employee, reducing the company's energy consumption. 36. Turn down the temperature your water heater. This also prevents employees from accidentally scalding themselves. Also, insulate your water heater and hot water pipes.37. Use refillable ink and toner cartridges. Try to use environmentally friendly inks.38. Recycle ink and toner cartridges that can't be refilled. Most suppliers will return them to the manufacturer for recycling.39. Ink jet printers use up to 90% less energy than laser printers.40. Use solar calculators.41. Use a coffee maker with an insulated pot to eliminate the need to keep a warmer on. This also eliminates the worry of whether or not the coffee maker was turned off at the end of the day.42. Consider going vegetarian when ordering food in for office meetings. An acre of land used to grow plants can feed more people than the meat from cattle grazed on the same amount of land. 43. Buy fair trade, organic teas, coffee and hot chocolate for use at the office. Not only are you getting a wholesome product, you're helping farmers in third world countries earn a living.44. Use real dishes and not paper or foam plates and cups in the company kitchen. For larger gatherings, if you must use disposable dishes, chose recyclable options or items made with PLA (polylactic acid derived from corn) that can be composted.45. Recycle cans, glass, juice boxes, milk cartons and plastic food containers. If no recycling facilities are available in your area, talk to the landlord or local government officials about providing a pickup for recyclables. Alternatively, contact independent recycling companies. If all else fails consider taking it home to add to your home recycling pickup or see if an employee would be willing to do so.46. Have employees bring in their own mugs to use for hot beverages and drinking glasses for use with the water cooler.47. Turn taps off tightly. Fix dripping taps.48. Install low flow toilets or try putting a sealed plastic bottle filled with water in the tank to lessen its fill capacity and reduce the amount of water used per flush. This doesn't work with all toilets but if it works for yours, you'll save a lot of water.49. Use rechargeable batteries. Discarded batteries leak toxins into landfill sites. By reusing rechargeable batteries the number of non-rechargeable batteries that are thrown away is dramatically reduced. Check for recycling facilities in your area that will accept dead batteries.50. Use environmentally friendly cleaning products in the office and consider using vinegar and baking soda as cleaning agents wherever possible. Environmentally friendly hand soap, dish soap, carpet, toilet bowl and all purpose cleaners are available at prices that are competitive with non-friendly products. When hiring a janitorial service, ask them what products they use and state your preference for green products.
