That's the finding of a Burst Media online survey in April of more than 6,000 consumers ages 18 and over about their perception of environmental marketing. More than 70% of respondents recalled seeing green ads at least occasionally, yet more than 20% said they never believe the claims. And a whopping two-thirds say they only believe the claims "sometimes.
廣告時代雜誌這篇最新報導, 引述紐約的4月線上調查, 兩大發現:
Green classifications
However, there is a group that does appreciate marketers' sustainability ad efforts. That group is the most dedicated green consumers -- the 5% who classify themselves as "completely green" -- and they are the biggest cheerleaders of the ads. For instance, 44% of the self-described completely green consumers think advertisers are doing an excellent or good job at providing information on green claims, compared to less than 20% of the much larger group of consumers classified as "aspirationally green."
Online targeting
He believes the internet, with its capacity for narrow, cost-effective targeting, is a good place to reach that group.
值得來做一份國內綠色消費意識調查, 做為客戶提案的堅強證據, 並建立公司專業形象!
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