美國前總統高爾推動的新一波環保攻勢"We The People."
We Can Solve It 非營利機構3億美金預算的計劃, 正式宣傳活動在美國掀開序幕, 引起多久議論, 這是廣告時代雜誌的報導 :
So this is what $300 million gets you? It must be a slow news day over at the Times if we're getting hundreds upon hundreds of words taking a look at the logo for the Alliance for Climate Protection. See what branding firm Collins did there? It made a we/me on a green background. Get it? Green. I'm so tempted to quote George Parker right now. Never mind the beyond-dubious assertion that "we the people" -- 95% of which believe in angels and Santa Claus -- should be making decisions about scientific policy, especially at the behest of a guy who made D's and C's in science while majoring in "government." The biggest problem with the logo is that it's just unoriginal. Now, where have we seen the pure genius of the we/me dichotomy before (I mean aside from the binders of the average junior high student)? Oh, yes, in this ridiculous spot for Converse: