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世界廣告主會議 熱烈討論綠色行銷主題 確認這是無法忽視的大驅趨勢
In several speeches and panels, agency executives and a company promoting carbon-neutral solutions said the potential benefits are many, as consumers and businesses are willing to support marketers and ad agencies perceived as being part of a better-world solution. It can also raise the profiles of companies and lead to better image with investors, they said. At the same time, however, they cautioned that consumers are suspicious, noting that companies have to show that any cause-related marketing really ties to their brand and be careful not to overstate claims.
會議中認為, Get your story straight 是綠色行銷成功的重要關鍵.
如何坦誠透明地與消費者溝通, 為什麼特別重要? 因為有綠色樂活意識的消費者, 不喜歡誇飾過頭的廣告包裝.
Success stories
Joe Rivas, exec VP of Y&R, said brands that have made the move to social responsibility have done well, citing Toyota and Ben & Jerry's as examples. Eric Biel, managing director-corporate responsibility for Burson-Marsteller, agreed but cautioned that the public's cynicism made it incumbent on marketers trying to use the claims to be careful. "It is absolutely critical to show a trace of humility," he said.
2008年4月10日 星期四
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