2008年6月15日 星期日

綠色行銷聯盟the Green Marketing Coalition成立

via :http://uebdd.blogr.com/stories/8106230/

Hacker Group, a full-service direct marketing agency, has created the Green Marketing Coalition (GMC). Realizing there were no industry-wide green marketing standards or guidelines, Hacker Group formed the GMC to provide tools to organizations interested in incorporating green marketing into their businesses practices. For Hacker Group, the green process began last year, and it has since changed the way it operates from top to bottom. Hacker Group management invested time and money, researching how they could reduce their company ’ s carbon footprint. They began phasing in green initiatives, allowing employees to adapt and educate their clients on the benefits. It was this discovery process that led to the creation of the GMC. Hacker Group invited representatives from Microsoft, Washington Mutual, Kawasaki, MSP, Nah an Printing, Inc., Data-Mail, Cascade Land Conservancy, American Recycling, KP Corporation, Optima Health, BECU and Fast Signs to join the GMC. The first item on the agendawas to define and establish green marketing standards and guidelines.

Hacker Group是一家以直效行銷服務為主的顧問公司.
竟然可以結合產業大公司(譬如Microsoft, Washington Mutual, Kawasaki, Nah an Printing, Inc....)合組綠色行銷聯盟the Green Marketing Coalition, 共同提供綠色行銷服務給客戶.
在台灣若要從事綠色行銷服務, 週邊配合廠商不多是問題之一!
