2008年6月11日 星期三

一家新的綠色生態顧問公司EcoLife Consulting.

EcoLife Consulting.

Our consulting is available on a per project basis. We work with home developers, homeowners, and business who are interested in creating sustainable, healthy environments. We work directly with you and your team to achieve your goals within your budget.
Some things about working with us:
1- We provide real world solutions. We work within your budget and your timeframe. It’s easy to recommend everything under the sun but our goal is to prodide solutions you can actually input.
2- We don’t charge by the hour. We charge by the project. We don’t want our clients to second guess whether they should call/email with a question because they begin incurring fees. We also don’t want to feel constrained our clients with providing answers, suggestions when they come up.
