by April Streeter, Gothenburg, Sweden on 06. 5.08
Take Action
I'm very good at guilt. Not just mama guilt, daughter guilt, and even sister guilt, but also something I'll call global world guilt (GWG). It's not just that vague unavoidable guilt about the less fortunate or those hit by tragedy, such as the recent victims of the earthquake in China. It's also this deep down guilty feeling that I'm not doing enough, never doing enough - not volunteering enough for causes I really care about or doing all that I can in terms of living the greenest eco-lifestyle. And while a little eco-guilt might be good - it keeps me reaching for ways to get greener - too much eco-guilt is just a drag - counterproductive and bad for my bitten-up nailbeds.
I was definitely ready - no, eager - for a book like Graham Hill and Meaghan O'Neill's Ready, Set, Green Eight Weeks To Modern Eco-Living. Not because they are (disclaimer alert!) my bosses. And not only because I secretly worry I have some decidedly non-green habits. Mostly because I wonder if maybe along the way in my own green journey I may have missed a few important basics. So I've decided to take Ready, Set, Green's eight week challenge.
Eco-Living Is Easy?In the book, TreeHugger founder Graham Hill and longtime contributor Meaghan O'Neill really make greening perfectly easy to contemplate - with short, snappy chapters such as "Thinking Like A TreeHugger," "Eating Your Way Green," "Greening Your Home," "Getting To Work," and "Living It Up."
So over the next eight weeks, I'm going to get a much better picture of my ecological - not just my carbon - footprint and see how willing I am to make further changes. And in the process, find out how successfully I can convince the three other members of my family that these are great ideas.
Hopefully Ready, Set, Green will be a good panacea to my green guilt (and yours) - it's non-judgmental and upbeat, and the book's extensive tips are broken into manageable lists, with labels to show whether they reduce CO2, save money, save time or improve your health. Hill and O'Neill have managed to provide a wealth of ways that we can all green up our acts without ever getting preachy, depressing or overly unrealistic. Feel welcome to buy a copy of the book and join along - we'll probably come up with some new green tips of our own. First Week's Post Monday June 9.
See also: Eco-Guilt The New Plague Among Enlightened Parents, Dealing With Eco-Anxiety: Feeling Less Guilt, Being More Green
Treegugger創辦人的新書, 值得一讀, 並且力行!
對工業革命以來大量生產, 商業流通以行銷廣告掛帥(大量銷售),消費者大量消費浪費資源,
所引起的心靈檢省, 台灣不可能例外!