繼3月3日第二次報導nvohk之後(招募兩個月得1250名會員), 再過三個月的今天, 會員募集達到3100人, 離5000人目標不遠, 再三個月應該可以完成, 恐怕是綠色品牌創立策略典範!
Member Activation Has Begun!!With over 3,100 future members from over 20 countries ready to activate their memberships, we are ready to take the world by storm!!! Please join us by activating your 1-year membership today for $50 (USD) at http://cmpgnr.com/r.html?c=1256369&r=1255285&t=1326879362&l=1&d=89765707&u=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2envohk%2ecom&g=0&f=-1. Just start by clicking here and entering your email adress [Note: you do not have a username and password until you activate your membership].Remember, there is no nvohk without you, so please join us in launching the first community-managed eco-clothing brand!As a member you get to…* actively create and manage nvohk from the ground up * vote on major business decisions (e.g., logo design, product designs, advertising, etc.) * submit your own logo and product designs and win cash! * provide ongoing feedback via general and department message boards* earn reward points (based on 35% of net profits) to buy nvohk products* an exclusive nvohk co-founder t-shirt* member sticker* 25% off on all nvohk products Don’t forget to post a comment in the forums…This is going to be fun!
Submit Your Own Logo and WIN $500!!Since we don’t have an official logo, we figured this should be the first course of business. If your logo is selected by the member base as the final nvohk logo, you will win $500 (USD)!! All logo submissions will be collected, stored and then presented to the member base the week of August 4, 2008.Please note: You have to activate your membership and login to submit a logo design. To activate your membership, click here and enter your email address.