2008年6月15日 星期日

生態友善狂想曲Eco-Friendly Extravagance

本文介紹Linda Loudermilk為主, 她最廣為人知的介紹辭:(Linda Loudermilk is a green trail blazer in the fashion industry )這位服裝設計師以Luxury Eco-Chic為明確定位, 否則人才濟濟的流行產業中, 憑甚麼脫穎而出? 

Five years ago, couture designer Linda Loudermilk seemed to have it all. After interning for Richard Tyler in Los Angeles, she’d been discovered by Autonde, the Italian-based original backer of Belgian designer Olivier Theyskens, now artistic director at Nina Ricci. In 2002, Autonde financed her first collection, and her runway show in Paris was met with wide acclaim. But after her debut, Loudermilk went back to her hotel room in the Marais district and wept for hours. “My clarity and my joy comes through nature and when I lose track of that, I’m not as grounded,” she explains of her postshow misery. “When people need a break, they go to the beach; they go to the mountains. It became my mission to show people in our daily living how to show respect and integration with nature.” Today, Loudermilk is considered the founder of the eco-couture movement.

“Green is chic,” says Gerald Celente, director of the Trends Research Institute in Hudson Valley, New York. “If it wasn’t so tragic, it would be funny how long it’s taken for green to catch on.”
