這篇談[綠色品牌一定要有深刻綠色原創性]的好文章, 一定要仔細閱讀原文全文. 作者Jerry Stifelman是的The Change創辦人, 這家公司本部落格曾經介紹過, 公司宗旨如下:
The Change helps good-for-the-world brands grow by making the most of their conviction, personality and sense of mission.
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Sustainability Must Go Mainstream
Punk rock wouldn't be very punk if everyone listened to it. This isn't the case with the sustainability movement — which, as we argued in our first guest post on why green branding and marketing is important, isn't going to "sustain" anything unless everyone gets on board. Good-for-the-world businesses need to express sustainability as the vibrant, exciting, game-changing proposition it is if we are going to engage a critical mass of people and take sustainability firmly into the mainstream.
Category Membership vs. Brand Identity
If sustainability is the only thing Moving Beyond the Cliches of Green DesignHere's some nuts and bolts counsel. A logo is precious visual real estate. It's core job is to provide a visual identifier that belongs to you. To the extent you use common visual signifiers that belong to your category rather than your individual business -- you fail to differentiate your brand. What does the Starbucks mermaid logo have to do with coffee? that differentiates your business, then you're positioning yourself to go out of business as soon as sustainability starts catching on. The twin essences of branding are consistency and differentiation.
Brand Appeal Beyond Green
The process of branding begins with understanding your institutional strengths - and it continues with integrating them into all points of contact with your audience(s). A cornerstone of American Apparel's brand proposition has been "sweatshop free".