A number of companies out there think that a good CSR program consists only of a soapbox and a bullhorn. Unfortunately for them, just being loud doesn’t equate with being ethical. Likewise, simply dropping a cool $100 million into clever marketing and public relations doesn’t make a company ethical, either.
The World’s Most Ethical Companies are the ones that go above and beyond legal minimums, bring about innovative new ideas to expand the public well being, work on reducing their carbon footprint rather than contributing to green washing and won’t be found next to the words “Billion Dollar Fine” in newspaper headlines any time in the near future. These are the companies that stand out among the competition in their industry.
The World’s Most Ethical Companies are the ones that go above and beyond legal minimums, bring about innovative new ideas to expand the public well being, work on reducing their carbon footprint rather than contributing to green washing and won’t be found next to the words “Billion Dollar Fine” in newspaper headlines any time in the near future. These are the companies that stand out among the competition in their industry.
CSR議題專業雜誌Ethisphere六月號封面專題 : "2008 World’s Most Ethical Companies."
食品與飲料產業四家入列 :General Mills. Kellogg Company. Pepsi Co. Stonyfield Farms.
前三家是大型企業, 後者Stonyfield Farm是美國有機優酪乳第一品牌. 只有25年歷史的中小型企業, 在有機產業一路走來, 兼顧生態環保, 品牌經營和企業利潤, 表現令人激賞. 能夠入列"全球百大道德表現公司"名單, 不令人意外!