Adam Werbach is the Global CEO of sustainability agency Saatchi & Saatchi S. This is the first in a series of guest columns he'll be writing for TreeHugger.
There’s a saying that’s deeply ingrained in Toyotaculture, “Genchi Genbutsu” which translates to “Go and see for yourself.” With that spirit in mind, I’ve moved my family to Northwest Arkansas this summer to spend time deepening my understanding of the emerging sustainability consumer movement outside of coastal cities and college towns.
Northwest Arkansas is well-known of course as the birthplace and home office of Wal-Mart, which has over the last few years established itself as a sustainability leader, despite expectations--my own included--that their efforts were a shallow public relations move.
I’m not a neutral party to this.
Over the last couple of years I’ve served as a sustainability strategist for them, which has been the most rewarding work in my career since my first full-time job when I served as President of the Sierra Club. The purpose of the blog posts over the next few weeks is to share some of the lessons I’m learning in the hope that these insights might prove useful to entrepreneurs and advocates. Eighty-nine percent of Americans shop at Wal-Mart at least once a year, so, if you believe as I do that we need to engage everyone in the sustainability movement, there are few places that provide a better platform or a greater willingness to transform.
There’s a saying that’s deeply ingrained in Toyotaculture, “Genchi Genbutsu” which translates to “Go and see for yourself.” With that spirit in mind, I’ve moved my family to Northwest Arkansas this summer to spend time deepening my understanding of the emerging sustainability consumer movement outside of coastal cities and college towns.
Northwest Arkansas is well-known of course as the birthplace and home office of Wal-Mart, which has over the last few years established itself as a sustainability leader, despite expectations--my own included--that their efforts were a shallow public relations move.
I’m not a neutral party to this.
Over the last couple of years I’ve served as a sustainability strategist for them, which has been the most rewarding work in my career since my first full-time job when I served as President of the Sierra Club. The purpose of the blog posts over the next few weeks is to share some of the lessons I’m learning in the hope that these insights might prove useful to entrepreneurs and advocates. Eighty-nine percent of Americans shop at Wal-Mart at least once a year, so, if you believe as I do that we need to engage everyone in the sustainability movement, there are few places that provide a better platform or a greater willingness to transform.
曾任美國歷史最悠久的保育團體Sierra Club主席、現在為Satatchi & Saatchi S(S代表sustainability, 永續)公司執行長的Adam Werbach指出,要改變人們購物、烹飪、清潔與醫療照護等日常生活行為,才是企業永續策略的重點,而不只是專注在個別行動的邊際環保效應;唯有透過例行的日常行為,才能真正改變世界,永續關懷環境。 而消費者已經對綠色感到疲乏,未來該怎麼做?Adam Werbach認為,永續理念應該就是直接到商店端,與消費者對話,從消費者的日常生活行為開始影響做起。Werbach提出以藍色取代綠色的理念,因為綠色讓地球成為對話的中心,但是藍色卻能讓消費者與購物者成為對話的中心。 消費者知道氣候正在改變,但是卻不希望自己與家人的生活因此感到不快。他們希望對大我有所貢獻,但是不希望犧牲小我。他們要的是喜悅,而不是罪惡感。因此要落實藍色理念,消費者只要確實生活,並對大我有所承諾就好。
根據統計,美國婦女平均每天花一個小時購物,她們是精打細算的專家,但是她們也越來越希望能在購物中對社會有所貢獻,因此,Adam Werbach建議企業應該了解下列藍色原則(blue rule),才能掌握消費者的需求:
Adam Werbach指出,行銷人的責任就是建立一個讓所有人都能對地球有貢獻的世界。因此,藍色將能協助大家達到目的!(AdAge.com)Adam Werbach
曾任美國歷史最悠久的保育團體Sierra Club主席、現在為Satatchi & Saatchi S(S代表sustainability, 永續)公司執行長的Adam Werbach指出,要改變人們購物、烹飪、清潔與醫療照護等日常生活行為,才是企業永續策略的重點,而不只是專注在個別行動的邊際環保效應;唯有透過例行的日常行為,才能真正改變世界,永續關懷環境。 而消費者已經對綠色感到疲乏,未來該怎麼做?Adam Werbach認為,永續理念應該就是直接到商店端,與消費者對話,從消費者的日常生活行為開始影響做起。Werbach提出以藍色取代綠色的理念,因為綠色讓地球成為對話的中心,但是藍色卻能讓消費者與購物者成為對話的中心。 消費者知道氣候正在改變,但是卻不希望自己與家人的生活因此感到不快。他們希望對大我有所貢獻,但是不希望犧牲小我。他們要的是喜悅,而不是罪惡感。因此要落實藍色理念,消費者只要確實生活,並對大我有所承諾就好。
根據統計,美國婦女平均每天花一個小時購物,她們是精打細算的專家,但是她們也越來越希望能在購物中對社會有所貢獻,因此,Adam Werbach建議企業應該了解下列藍色原則(blue rule),才能掌握消費者的需求:
Adam Werbach指出,行銷人的責任就是建立一個讓所有人都能對地球有貢獻的世界。因此,藍色將能協助大家達到目的!(AdAge.com)Adam Werbach
我想Adam Werbach絕對是綠色行銷未來英雄之一!
Satchi&Satchi S (Sustainable.) 由Adam Werbach先生領導, 最大客戶是Wal-Mart,
現在35歲, 前途不可限量.