open source與環保綠色概念如何融合在一個服裝品牌策略之中?今年4月在柏林開張的新公司Pamoyo, 做了有趣的嘗試!
Open source" is a term that's familiar to many in technology, but much less so in the fashion world. A new German label, however, has embraced the principles of open source in its launch of a new line of eco-conscious clothing.
Berlin-based Pamoyo was founded in 2007 by designers Frans Prins and Cecilia Palmer to create a fashion label with green vision and creative edge; its site just launched in April. All items in the company's “Styled with Heart” spring collection are one-of-a-kind pieces made from organic cotton with vintage and recycled elements mixed in. Every piece is handmade in Berlin featuring a distinctive rough sewing style and designs inspired by street style and retro images. Pamoyo’s organic cotton currently originates from Turkey and Uganda, and EUR 2 from the price of each item is set aside for investment in social and environmental projects. Together with the Grass Routes Foundation, Pamoyo is also working on a cooperation and training project with designers in the developing world.
So that's Pamoyo's green side, which is admirable even if not totally unique. What really sets the label apart is that all its designs are published under the Creative Commons license for non-commercial use--a first, if the company's blog is to be believed. Other designers and artists are invited to enrich the label with their own creations, and Pamoyo pledges to ensure the high-quality and sustainable production of every product made under its name. The company is currently preparing designs and patterns for download from the Pamoyo site, and ultimately it aims to make it possible for customers to share their own creations and patterns as well.Palmer explains:”We don’t make designs to protect them, but to spread. The designs and patterns can be found on our website, and anyone can share it and use it. In this way, someone can take an idea or design and build on it. We want to make it possible to build upon each other’s
Berlin-based Pamoyo was founded in 2007 by designers Frans Prins and Cecilia Palmer to create a fashion label with green vision and creative edge; its site just launched in April. All items in the company's “Styled with Heart” spring collection are one-of-a-kind pieces made from organic cotton with vintage and recycled elements mixed in. Every piece is handmade in Berlin featuring a distinctive rough sewing style and designs inspired by street style and retro images. Pamoyo’s organic cotton currently originates from Turkey and Uganda, and EUR 2 from the price of each item is set aside for investment in social and environmental projects. Together with the Grass Routes Foundation, Pamoyo is also working on a cooperation and training project with designers in the developing world.
So that's Pamoyo's green side, which is admirable even if not totally unique. What really sets the label apart is that all its designs are published under the Creative Commons license for non-commercial use--a first, if the company's blog is to be believed. Other designers and artists are invited to enrich the label with their own creations, and Pamoyo pledges to ensure the high-quality and sustainable production of every product made under its name. The company is currently preparing designs and patterns for download from the Pamoyo site, and ultimately it aims to make it possible for customers to share their own creations and patterns as well.Palmer explains:”We don’t make designs to protect them, but to spread. The designs and patterns can be found on our website, and anyone can share it and use it. In this way, someone can take an idea or design and build on it. We want to make it possible to build upon each other’s