這是去年Fast Company一篇精要部落格文章的摘要:
Is "Green" the New Organic?
Vanity Fair is doing it. The Week is doing it. Even Wal-Mart is doing it. Everyone is going green. So, here's a riddle for you: When is green no longer green? Answer: When it's a green marketing machine.
Just like organic, someone obviously got the memo that green is the trend du jour. And many companies jumped on the bandwagon because green wasn't just good business practice, but it made dollars and cents.
But now that the buzz about green has reached a critical mass, the consumer no longer knows who's green or what green even means? And that's exactly the point I'm afraid. If no one knows what green is, then anyone and everyone can say they're green and no one can tell the difference. And it's oh-so-PC right now to say we're green because who doesn't want to breathe clean air and drink clean water and save the planet for their children. Even the most anti-green of businesses and politicians know that green is good for them.
It's just like when organic was first introduced. At first it was a specialized product with standards as to what it meant to be organic. Consumers didn't mind paying extra to buy a product they thought was better for them. But now it seems like every product in the store is touted as organic, which is a real buzz kill to a company's niche appeal.
via : Fast Company. April 19. 2007.
2008年6月21日 星期六
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