via : idealbite. June 17. 2008.
令我好奇的是這家皮包公司RB's also partnered with Biter favorite Seventh Generation on PVC-free baby bags, with $50 dollars from each sale going to Healthy Child Healthy World. WTG.
Instant Messenger (Bag)
R U in need of a hip new shoulder bag ASAP? FYI: The brand-new messengers from Rickshaw Bagworks are - OMG - GRT. Its carryalls (complete with padded laptop sleeve, pockets for cell phones, pens, keys, bottle openers...) come in three different sizes and about eleventy million different colors, from solid earth tones to eye-popping, bright patterns. RB stitches together these snazzy bags in its Dogpatch district shop using fabric made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles, helping keep landfills at bay. RB's also partnered with Biter favorite Seventh Generation on PVC-free baby bags, with $50 dollars from each sale going to Healthy Child Healthy World. WTG.
Wanna Try?
Rickshaw Bagworks, 904 22nd St. at Minnesota St. (415-904-8368). Messenger bags, $120-$180.