As consumers continue to jump on the environmental bandwagon, so too is big business. With that comes an increase in questionable green marketing claims - a practice the competition watchdog is currently investigating.
Experts say that more work needs to be done, and there are growing calls for a uniform set of green marketing standards.
Beer advertising in Australia has come a long way. Big blokes with big moustaches are out and now a 100 per cent carbon offset beer is in.
Cascade, which is owned by Foster’s, unveiled its green brand in March, hoping to tap into the growing consumer movement for environmentally-friendly products.
Experts say that more work needs to be done, and there are growing calls for a uniform set of green marketing standards.
Beer advertising in Australia has come a long way. Big blokes with big moustaches are out and now a 100 per cent carbon offset beer is in.
Cascade, which is owned by Foster’s, unveiled its green brand in March, hoping to tap into the growing consumer movement for environmentally-friendly products.
Cascade Launches 100% Carbon Offset Beer
Hobart, 04 March 2008
Cascade today announced the release of Cascade Green - a low carbohydrate, preservative free, 100% carbon offset beer.
Cascade Green, a full flavoured Lager, has been brewed entirely at the Cascade Brewery from locally produced ingredients. Packaging has been designed to minimise Greenhouse gas emissions, including a light weight glass bottle featuring a high recycled content. The 100% recycled carton has been printed with two-colour biodegradable vegetable inks.
"Environmental sustainability has long been important to Cascade Brewery. We've made improvements to our operations over the last ten years and we're committed to doing more. We're really excited to be launching Cascade Green and in doing so, provide Australian drinkers with a greener beer choice that tastes great," said Cascade Marketing Manager, Ben Summons.
Hobart, 04 March 2008
Cascade today announced the release of Cascade Green - a low carbohydrate, preservative free, 100% carbon offset beer.
Cascade Green, a full flavoured Lager, has been brewed entirely at the Cascade Brewery from locally produced ingredients. Packaging has been designed to minimise Greenhouse gas emissions, including a light weight glass bottle featuring a high recycled content. The 100% recycled carton has been printed with two-colour biodegradable vegetable inks.
"Environmental sustainability has long been important to Cascade Brewery. We've made improvements to our operations over the last ten years and we're committed to doing more. We're really excited to be launching Cascade Green and in doing so, provide Australian drinkers with a greener beer choice that tastes great," said Cascade Marketing Manager, Ben Summons.
當環保減碳風潮從新鮮有趣, 逐漸變成無法忽視的議題, 看來不再只是環保人士的良心義舉,
上從政治人物, 商業鉅子, 時尚名星, 一一靠攏!
有企劃部的公司企業, 一定面臨老板長官的詢問.
講座主題 : [Being green/Looking green!???]
澳洲歷史最攸悠久的啤酒品牌Foster Group 的Cascade啤酒:
新品牌有機會成為〔原生型綠色品牌〕! 台灣目前太少這樣品牌, 國外太多,要說100個都太簡單. 本部落格〔綠色品牌觀察〕專欄所介紹的例子, 都可以寫一本書介紹!
21世紀以降,我們認為產品創新最重要的5個趨勢是:尋求美感經驗的商品設計,高附加價值的奢華體驗,開拓全新市場的藍海策略,拼貼重組既有產品功能的跨界融合,以及與地球和解共生的綠色概念 .
21世紀以降,我們認為產品創新最重要的5個趨勢是:尋求美感經驗的商品設計,高附加價值的奢華體驗,開拓全新市場的藍海策略,拼貼重組既有產品功能的跨界融合,以及與地球和解共生的綠色概念 .