目前遭到環保人士兩大質疑 :(1)寶特瓶對環境的危害. (2)許多飲料跨國運送, 增加二氧化碳排放!
本文論點不認為環保人士的訴求會被普遍性接受, 終究狗吠火車而已!
Green is hot. Green is roiling industries. Green is the new India—you know, the buzzword that has to be part of every business plan.And this green wave will last, hmm, probably as long as most people managed to stay away from doughnuts when the anticarb fad hit.Here in the United States, we take to environmentalism the way Eva Gabor took to farming. “Dahling, I love you, but give me Park Avenue.” The current green fad will have a nice little run, thanks to subprime-mortgage reverberations: Breakouts of environmentalism track with economic slowdowns, according to Gerald Celente, who runs the Trends Research Institute. We conserve when we must and then tell ourselves our sacrifice is helping to save the world. The human brain can twist anything.The assault on bottled water fits right in. Sipping bottled water is suddenly more unsavory than wearing a chinchilla coat to your kid’s class play. San Francisco’s Gavin Newsom, the hippest mayor on the planet, banned city agencies from buying bottled water. Chichi restaurants around the country increasingly won’t serve it. The bottled-water industry is so alarmed, it apparently distributed talking points to the various water companies. “Let it be known that beverage containers are less than 1 percent of municipal waste,” says Nestlé Waters spokeswoman Jane Lazgin. Breck Speed, C.E.O. of Mountain Valley Spring, told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, “One-third of 1 percent of landfill waste may be attributed to bottled water.”