A small but interesting show of handbags made of recycled plastic gives an idea of the full range of innovation and creativity going on today in England. Some of treehugger's favourites such as the " I am not a plastic bag" and the Modbury free bags and Kate Ward's handbag were on display, as they should be. Ryan Frank's stool, Ishongololo, made out of orange Sainsbury recycled plastic bags was front and centre (pictured). There was a delightful key chain, crocheted to hold 3 blue plastic bags by Cerys Marks, doing her bit by knitting and crocheting plastic because "the UK grocery industry uses enough carrier bags to carpet the entire planet twice a year." Emma Neuberg took an old denim skirt and made it beautiful by using applique design created by heat-pressing colourful pictures from plastic bags and packaging (pictured after fold). A little stiff to wear everyday but a party special. Emma Berry also used skirts; only she made soft handbags out of old pleated ones.
We loved the idea of morsbags: download instructions to make a bag in half an hour out of an old curtain or sheet. Nat Thakur's bag of stripy recycled leather pieces is eye catching and attractive. Bags2riches makes some great looking bracelets of recycled plastic.
Curated by [re]design for NESTA, the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, there are lots of interesting facts and figures to beef up their case against plastic.
--Londoners use 2.1 billion plastic bags every year – enough to carpet the capital one and a half times
--UK carrier bag waste = 100,000 tonnes a year: the weight of 14,000 double-decker buses
--Producing each plastic bag emits enough CO2 to fill 22 plastic bags
We loved the idea of morsbags: download instructions to make a bag in half an hour out of an old curtain or sheet. Nat Thakur's bag of stripy recycled leather pieces is eye catching and attractive. Bags2riches makes some great looking bracelets of recycled plastic.
Curated by [re]design for NESTA, the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, there are lots of interesting facts and figures to beef up their case against plastic.
--Londoners use 2.1 billion plastic bags every year – enough to carpet the capital one and a half times
--UK carrier bag waste = 100,000 tonnes a year: the weight of 14,000 double-decker buses
--Producing each plastic bag emits enough CO2 to fill 22 plastic bags
塑膠袋塑膠提袋是消耗量很大的日用品, 消費者對塑膠製品不環保有清楚認識, 因此各種創意提案琳瑯滿目.