via : treehugger.June 06. 2008.
Utensil cases, of recycled materials or otherwise, may not be at the top of anybody's list of shopping necessities. But once you start to contemplate the vast amounts of plastic and wood made into cutlery that gets used only a few minutes (3 minutes is average) and then landfilled for eons, toting your own starts to make more sense. We've covered the Carry Your Own Cutlery (CYOC) movement before. And ten-year-old company To-Go Ware has been importing bamboo utensils - fork, knife, spoon, and chopstick sets - for a few years. Now they've got a full line of cutlery cases made from recycled plastic bags, from Indian NGO Conserve.
自帶餐具運動在國內不算陌生, 也不太普遍!
可不可以這樣判斷:”國內自帶型餐具環保概念有餘, 卻不夠時尚感, 當然流行不起來!”
可不可以這樣說 :”這是一個商機?”