Planet Green Launches Today! It is the first and only 24-hour eco-lifestyle television network with a robust online presence and community. Launching this evening, on-air content will reach 50 million homes with more than 250 hours of original green lifestyle programming. By representing a broad range of ideas and perspectives, Planet Green is taking an active role in generating conversation and motivating individuals to take action when it comes to improving the environmental status of our planet.And none of it is canned- it is all new ground with original programming. Our General Manager Eileen O'Neill says "It's been challenging at times, in part because we've been educating the production community that may have had certain expectations of what green content is." But we hope that it will educate and lead to changes in attitudes. Eileen says "This is a new genre, people don't have any set expectations of what green media is, and we're defining it - as really funny, engaging, entertaining and definitely credible."Check out the schedule: ::at Planet Green!
Discovery公司去年收購Treegugger網站, 現在開播Planet Green有線電視頻道, 清楚宣告生態環保不再只是少數人的社會關心, 即將進入一般人的日常生活!
在台灣每位政治人物恐怕都在加緊補修相關知識, 不懂環保, 不知道甚麼是二氧化碳排放減量 如何節能, 上至馬總統隨時出糗!
社會名流, 影歌星, 恐怕不久的將來, 包括林志玲都會在此議題發表高見!