via : brandchannel. April 2008.
Whichever terms you choose to characterize it—Going Green, Environmental Stewardship, Sustainable Development—the eco-agenda is not a fad. It’s here to stay.
Whilst some brands are actively engaged in the movement, other brands ignore it, and still others sit on the sidelines. Like any "new" aspect to a market, the eco-agenda started with a degree of hesitancy and uncertainty.
Chief Communications Officer for Interbrand(Graham Hales)的這篇文章道盡當今許多行銷廣告品牌工作者難以抉擇的矛盾心情,如何因應如此巨大新潮流? 不知所措!錯過又覺得可惜!
2008年6月7日 星期六
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