2008年6月30日 星期一
廠商節能設備貸款 低利補貼三年
2008.07.01 09:41 am
【2008/07/01 經濟日報】
捲起衣袖做淨灘 上銀科技落實生態環保
環境績效 瑞士拿第一
2008.07.01 09:40 am
最新一期新聞周刊(Newsweek )報導,瑞士以95.5的高分(滿分100),在全球的環境績效指數(EPI)排行榜中高居第一,其他北歐國家及澳洲和紐西蘭也名列前十名。台灣以80.8分排名第40,緊追在美國之後。
美國的環境績效排名39,表現在某些方面與中國類似。美國的環境績效得分在前10%富有國家中屈居倒數第三名,主因是在碳排放方面表現差勁。碳排放是導致全球暖化的罪魁禍首,因此在環境績效指數中占很高的權重。美國和中國都因為依賴煤炭而在這個項目上拿低分。美國在發電產生的碳排放評比項目中拿38 分,財富與美國旗鼓相當的國家平均拿68分。
【2008/07/01 經濟日報
文中報導的環境績效指數Environmental Performance Index (EPI)是耶魯大學與哥倫比亞大學共同合作的傑作, 呈現資訊的方式非常數位感!
Yale Center for Environmental law and Policy, Yale University http://www.yale.edu/envirocenter
Daniel C. Esty, Director
Christine Kim, Program Director
Tanja Srebotnjak, Statistician
Center for International Earth Science Information Network, Columbia University http://ciesin.columbia.edu
Marc A. Levy, Deputy Director
Alex de Sherbinin, Senior Research Associate
Valentina Mara, Research Associate
2008年6月29日 星期日
Michael Pollan &Wendydell Berry
via : treegugger. June 26. 2008.
via :environment360. Yale. June 26. 2008.
Michael Pollan on Alternative Energy: "The writer Wendell Berry was right a long time ago when he said the environmental crisis is a crisis of character. It's really about how we live. The thought that we can swap out the fuel we're putting in our cars to ethanol, and swap out the electricity to nuclear and everything else can stay the same, I think, is really a pipe dream. We're going to have to change [our lifestyles], and the beginning of knowing how to change is learning how to provide for yourself a little bit more."
Wendell Berry lives and farms with his family in Henry County, Kentucky, and is the author of more than thirty books of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Among his novels (set in the fictional community of Port William Kentucky) are Nathan Coulter (1960), A Place on Earth (1967), and The Memory of Old Jack (1974); short story collections include The Wild Birds (1986), Remembering (1988), Fidelity (1993), and Watch With Me (1994); collections of essays include, among many others, A Continuous Harmony (1972), The Unsettling of America (1977), Recollected Essays (1981), and Sex, Economy, Freedom, & Community (1993); and among his many volumes of poetry are A Part (1980), The Wheel (1982), Collected Poems (1985) and Entries (1984).
2008年6月24日 星期二
氣候變遷研究之父The father of climate change

2008年6月23日 星期一

Interestingly, all four of these brands make strong appeals through their product offerings to sensory experience. Consider Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey ice cream or Tom’s of Maine’s honeysuckle-scented shaving cream. Numerous writers have noted, for example, that Thoreau was unique among the Transcendentalists in his sensual approach to understanding nature. His writings abound with accounts of sensory encounters with New England's natural world—including the scents, sounds, and tastes he found there. Thoreau discovered in these sensory experiences a conscious alternative to more intuitive ways of understanding the world.
Thoreau scholar Alan D. Hodder of Hampshire College in Massachusetts told us he could imagine Thoreau influencing some contemporary business strategies—especially those designed to appeal to the substantial baby boomer demographic. Said Hodder, “Thoreau has become something of a cultural icon, particularly among sixties' boomers, when his popularity went through the roof, so it's not surprising that [corporate] mission statements echo some of his values.”
Consider Burt’s Bees. With their tactile, scented and sometimes flavored offerings, Burt’s Bees’ natural skin care products provide heightened adventures in sensuality. We spoke recently by telephone to Roxannne Quimby, founder—along with beekeeper Burt Shavitz—of the company, about the influence that Thoreau has had on her own ideas.
Quimby told us Thoreau was a “prime motivator” in her decision to move to rural Maine, where she eventually met Shavitz and started Burt’s Bees. “I was living in California at the time, just graduated from college, and had read Civil Disobedience and tackled The Maine Woods a few times. Some of his essays were very inspiring to me.”

Monsanto is the world leader in genetically modified organisms (GMOs), as well as one of the most controversial corporations in industrial history. This century-old empire has created some of the most toxic products ever sold, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and the herbicide Agent Orange. Based on a painstaking investigation, The World According to Monsanto puts together the pieces of the company’s history, calling on hitherto unpublished documents and numerous first-hand accounts.
Today, Monsanto likes to style itself as a “life sciences” company. The leader in genetically modified seeds, engineered to resist its herbicide Roundup, claims it wants to solve world hunger while protecting the environment.
In the light of its troubling past, can we really believe these noble intentions? Misleading reports, collusion, pressure tactics and attempts at corruption: the history of Monsanto is filled with disturbing episodes. Behind its clean, green image, Monsanto is tightening its grasp on the world seed market, striving for market supremacy to the detriment of food security and the global environment.
Notorious for its development of hazardous chemicals such as Agent Orange, PCBs (now banned) and the recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), Monsanto is now also known for its monopoly on genetically modified (GM) seeds of food crops such as corn, wheat and soybeans. Despite the uncertainty of the long-term health effects of consuming and growing GM foods, the company’s GM seeds are now widespread in much of North and South America.

加拿大Guelph大學進行為期五年的傳統牧場有機化研究, 評估報告指出 產量減少10.6%之外, 有諸多利益:
However, chemical costs for fertilizers and antibiotics are wiped out, and veterinary costs are cut in half, saving almost $2,000 per cow.
Also, organic milk sells for 25% more than conventional milk, almost completely balancing it out.
Tell me how to do, please.

Anyway, this whole RIIR phenomenon is really fulfilling our wild expectations :) From the very beginning, we were very conscious of avoiding the "pity buy" --- consumers buying our bags just because they felt pity for the livelihood project's Nanays. From the onset, we wanted our RIIR bags to be "lusted" for by consumers. This thinking really drove our marketing efforts --- from our website (http://www.rags2riches.ph) to our upscale events to our fashion magazine appearances all the way to our photography and catalogues.
This got me to arrive at the fact that there's now a 5th (and most important) P of Marketing. On top of the traditional Kotler thinking on the 4 P's - Product, Price, Place, and Promotion, we should now add and fully embrace the 5th P ... PURPOSE.
Call it cause or advocacy marketing or whatever -- but it's power can no longer be denied. From Going Green to Saving the Planet to Product Red to Nike's Livestrong --- consumers more and more are looking for purpose, and those brands who not only do it as sugarcoated marketing but in fact embed it into their very DNA will be the ones who'll win.
Speaking about the new economy
Speaking about the new economy....
It's hard to believe that there was once a time where shopping was a chore. It was something that was done to replenish the larder, but it wasn't a source of entertainment and leisure, nor was it a form of therapy. Commerce is no longer something that happens in the other, but instead it's what water is to a fish. Think not, try to think of the last time you spent a single day not buying anything (and when you were sick in bed doesn't count), pretty hard. If you think one day is hard, imagine a whole year. After you're done imagining go visit Arduos Blog for the chronicling of one woman's attempt to not buy anything new for an entire year. Shopping is part of our reason for existence in our modern world, now that most of our "necessities" are taken care of. Or that's the premise of Benjamin Barber's Book Consumed covered by the Independent.Barber's premise is that marketing has really focused on infantilizing us, placing us a in a state of arrested development and constant stupor for wanting things now. Convincing us we need everything. The green marketing machines doesn't get off so easily as Barber explains:
Hyper-consumerism is a major contributor to environmental problems, yet so-called green marketers are as guilty as your average marketing man. "Don't fool yourself," warns Barber. "Green consumerism is still consuming. The simplest way to go green is not to consume, or to consume less, but these people want you to consume their way, because if you stop consuming they don't make any money."I've always been big on the experience economy, since it tends to revitalize larger swaths of the economy instead of the mass production economy where one individual can service numerous people. While service economies tend to focus on one at a time. That's why I'm big on the food industry, oh and because I like to eat.Our wants are bigger than our needs, and it's bigger than the resources available. Ironically, those wants are bigger than the amount of time we have to enjoy them, so they don't get enjoyed despite our acquiring them. Lest you think that's too depressing, it's instructive to learn about Ray Anderson, CEO of Interface, a carpet manufacturer who had what he called a "spear in the chest" moment when he realized that he had to reimagine his carpet business in terms of cycles not transactions. Coming up with innovative solutions such as leasing his product instead of buying it, promising recycled disposal with free pick up. Paul Saffo futurist explains.
It’s an old example, but look at Interface, the residential and industrial carpet company. It bugged founder Ray Anderson that his product was getting thrown out whenever anyone remodeled. So he wrote his 1-800 number on the back of his carpets. “Call us, we’ll pick it up.” Installers loved it because it eliminated dump fees. Customers loved, it was environmental, etc. So Ray takes it a step further: He stops selling carpets and starts leasing them. Now he says, “We’ll charge you if you don’t return it.” So people start replacing only the damaged parts, like corners that were stained. Guess what this inspires? FLOR tiles. Suddenly Ray isn’t in the carpet business anymore; he has innovated a whole new consumer line of “beautiful flooring.”Economies are by definition transactional, but how they are transactional is still an open question in this new world of ours.

Maybe I’m just a little paranoid, but I don’t tend to trust the megalithic corporations that have so much power and wealth today. So while I see many ad campaigns touting green promises and hear of many large corporations changing their ways, as much as I want to believe them, I have my doubts that many of these companies are truly committed to sustainability. The very nature of our economy leads companies to focus solely on profit and their own growth, at the expense of people and the environment.
Like it or not, we are a society dominated by corporate interests. Of the 100 largest economies, 51 are corporations; the other 49 are countries. Industry (and its lobbies) has an enormous sway on politics, public policy, the economy, our lives, and of course, the earth. As powerful forces in the world, companies are going to have to lead the shift to sustainability. Getting companies to do the right thing no matter what its effect on their bottom line is going to take a major paradigm shift. It’s time for change, and we certainly can’t count on the government to do anything very quickly, so we need business to lead the way.
As socially conscious business owners and ecopreneurs, we need to listen to Gandhi’s famous words and “be the change we wish to see in the world.” It’s time to take the reigns, define sustainability for our companies and boldly pursue it. We can set our own standards if we have to, and then go above and beyond them. We can bring ideas like true cost economics and the triple bottom line to the forefront of business thinking and practice. We can share sustainable ideas that have worked for us with other business owners. We can invest in making our businesses more sustainable and ethical, and we can find ways to make a living at the same time. We can support other sustainable businesses we believe in and purchase fair-trade, organic, sustainably made products. We can market our goods and services by telling the truth about being green, instead of greenwashing. We can run our businesses the way that all businesses should be run: with integrity, responsibility, human dignity, and sustainability.
We can change the world if only we believe that we can. And given the influence businesses have, it’s up to us to create this change. I’m not just talking about switching to recycled office paper, although that’s certainly a good start. The stakes are high and we need massive change to steer us on a path towards sustainability. We’ll have to rethink the way we do business, change minds, and transform society’s priorities. If anyone can pioneer this change, it’s those with entrepreneurial spirit and good hearts.
Calling all conscious ecopreneurs: the time for change is now. It starts with us. Let’s be the change.

“Sustainable Performance” from Arthur D. Little argues that regulatory and consumer pressures have not pushed corporations toward sustainability beyond superficial measures.
It’s not surprising that the report concluded that, in general, companies only take steps toward going green when it impacts the bottom line. Driven by shareholder concerns companies frequently implement those green solutions that maximize short terms gain. Forced to “report to stock markets” on a quarterly basis, it can be difficult for companies to proceed with longer term green objectives.
In fact, between 2005 and 2006, the amount of assets managed by SRI (Socially Responsible Investments) funds domiciled in Europe grew by more than 40%
It’s about time.
Why eco-efficiency is not enough!

- Compliance (Regulations like those the EPA puts out to keep pollutants out of public space.
- Beyond Compliance (Companies begin to look for savings, begin to see sustainability as a part of their competitive edge.)
- Eco-Efficiency (Profit-driven approach; began in tandem with the Total Quality Management approach)
- Sustainable Development (Environmental Goals; enters mainstream organizational culture; Companies start to design with natural resources in mind.)
As you can see from this model, eco-efficiency is actually quite high in the evolution of industry towards sustainability. Eco-efficiency is really the technical side of sustainability; it is easier to put into place with some technological fixes - a new HVAC system, a carbon-footprint analysis, a lighting retrofit.
But the biggest reason that eco-efficiency is not enough - and possibly triple-bottom line thinking is not enough, is that it only one part of the business process. It looks at reducing costs and correcting mistakes as opposed to creating a vision of what could be. And, it only includes “people” as a by-product - there may be benefits to people, but it does not consciously include people as part of the solution, as opposed to simply a means to the solution.
Sustainable Development, on the other hand, is closer to the mark. It talks about environmental “goals”, sustainability becoming a part of the “culture”, and “designing” with natural resources in mind - all signposts for “things to do” along the way to making your organization sustainable.
One of the most inspiring ideas I have ever heard was the vision detailed in the first couple of pages in Natural Capital - of a factory spewing out water that was cleaner on its way out than on its way in.
It's Not Easy Being Green!

With his father, James has also co-presented The Reinventors, a programme that recreated inventions such as the fire pump and Stephenson's Rocket.
2008年6月22日 星期日

via : Naturalfoodsmerchandiser. 10/01/2004.
該網站資料有問題, 怎麼找就只有24位!
By: Vicky Uhland
25 People Who Influenced the Organics Industry
At its most elemental level, the word ?organic? means ?alive.? The following people, through their vision, sweat, passion and persistence, brought life to the organics industry, propelling it into the $10.8 billion business it is today. Whether through farming, legislation, innovation or education, these are individuals who have made it possible for today?s generations to live a truly organic lifestyle. They have dedicated their lives to improving ours, and they are alive with the spirit of organics.
1. Roger Blobaum
2.Bena Burda
3.Amigo Cantisano and Kalita Todd
4. Lynn Coody and Yvonne Frost
5.Michael Crooke
6.Katherine DiMatteo
7.Rep. Sam Farr
8.Jonathan and Katrina Frey
9.Drew and Myra Goodman
10.Lewis Grant
11.Gary Hirshberg
12.Barclay Hope
13.Eckhart Kiesel
14.Sen. Patrick Leahy
15.Eldon, Wendell, Harlan and Homer Lundberg
16.Marty Mesh
17.Nell Newman
18.Steve Pavich
19.Anthony Rodale
20.Craig Sams
21.Bob Scaman
22.George Siemon
23.Michael Sligh
24.Zea Sonnabend

Member Activation Has Begun!!With over 3,100 future members from over 20 countries ready to activate their memberships, we are ready to take the world by storm!!! Please join us by activating your 1-year membership today for $50 (USD) at http://cmpgnr.com/r.html?c=1256369&r=1255285&t=1326879362&l=1&d=89765707&u=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2envohk%2ecom&g=0&f=-1. Just start by clicking here and entering your email adress [Note: you do not have a username and password until you activate your membership].Remember, there is no nvohk without you, so please join us in launching the first community-managed eco-clothing brand!As a member you get to…* actively create and manage nvohk from the ground up * vote on major business decisions (e.g., logo design, product designs, advertising, etc.) * submit your own logo and product designs and win cash! * provide ongoing feedback via general and department message boards* earn reward points (based on 35% of net profits) to buy nvohk products* an exclusive nvohk co-founder t-shirt* member sticker* 25% off on all nvohk products Don’t forget to post a comment in the forums…This is going to be fun!
Submit Your Own Logo and WIN $500!!Since we don’t have an official logo, we figured this should be the first course of business. If your logo is selected by the member base as the final nvohk logo, you will win $500 (USD)!! All logo submissions will be collected, stored and then presented to the member base the week of August 4, 2008.Please note: You have to activate your membership and login to submit a logo design. To activate your membership, click here and enter your email address.
Being green or Looking green?

Experts say that more work needs to be done, and there are growing calls for a uniform set of green marketing standards.
Beer advertising in Australia has come a long way. Big blokes with big moustaches are out and now a 100 per cent carbon offset beer is in.
Cascade, which is owned by Foster’s, unveiled its green brand in March, hoping to tap into the growing consumer movement for environmentally-friendly products.
Hobart, 04 March 2008
Cascade today announced the release of Cascade Green - a low carbohydrate, preservative free, 100% carbon offset beer.
Cascade Green, a full flavoured Lager, has been brewed entirely at the Cascade Brewery from locally produced ingredients. Packaging has been designed to minimise Greenhouse gas emissions, including a light weight glass bottle featuring a high recycled content. The 100% recycled carton has been printed with two-colour biodegradable vegetable inks.
"Environmental sustainability has long been important to Cascade Brewery. We've made improvements to our operations over the last ten years and we're committed to doing more. We're really excited to be launching Cascade Green and in doing so, provide Australian drinkers with a greener beer choice that tastes great," said Cascade Marketing Manager, Ben Summons.
21世紀以降,我們認為產品創新最重要的5個趨勢是:尋求美感經驗的商品設計,高附加價值的奢華體驗,開拓全新市場的藍海策略,拼貼重組既有產品功能的跨界融合,以及與地球和解共生的綠色概念 .
2008年6月21日 星期六
Is "Green" the New Organic?
Is "Green" the New Organic?
Vanity Fair is doing it. The Week is doing it. Even Wal-Mart is doing it. Everyone is going green. So, here's a riddle for you: When is green no longer green? Answer: When it's a green marketing machine.
Just like organic, someone obviously got the memo that green is the trend du jour. And many companies jumped on the bandwagon because green wasn't just good business practice, but it made dollars and cents.
But now that the buzz about green has reached a critical mass, the consumer no longer knows who's green or what green even means? And that's exactly the point I'm afraid. If no one knows what green is, then anyone and everyone can say they're green and no one can tell the difference. And it's oh-so-PC right now to say we're green because who doesn't want to breathe clean air and drink clean water and save the planet for their children. Even the most anti-green of businesses and politicians know that green is good for them.
It's just like when organic was first introduced. At first it was a specialized product with standards as to what it meant to be organic. Consumers didn't mind paying extra to buy a product they thought was better for them. But now it seems like every product in the store is touted as organic, which is a real buzz kill to a company's niche appeal.
via : Fast Company. April 19. 2007.
竹纖維 織出健康環保商機
2008.06.22 05:23 am
綜觀以上竹纖維特性,其應用於紡織領域非常廣泛,如下:1. 家飾用紡織品:包括毛巾、床單、被單、地毯及窗簾等。2. 衣著用紡織品:包括嬰幼服、童裝服市場、男裝、女裝、內衣等。3. 醫療用紡織品:包括手術服、口罩、紗布、繃帶等。
就市場來看,竹纖維紡織品在歐美發達國家已漸漸融入人們日常生活,如2006年在法國巴黎舉辦世界最大服裝布料展覽會(Premi?re Vision)中,就可發現已有紡織品採用100%竹纖維或者與其他紡織纖維混紡的布料。另近幾年來,竹纖維在法國紡織產業亦逐漸成為潮流,所以從T恤、短襪及毛巾等日常品紡織品均採用竹纖維,如家樂福開始販售Tex品牌命名的竹纖維枕頭、浴巾和浴衣;以及品牌服裝Camif推出竹纖維T恤和套頭衫等,且連美國知名品牌Timberland亦在該國推銷竹纖維襪子。
另就成衣來看,一件加入竹纖維材料的休閒西裝,在日本市場售價達到5.9萬日圓,一件夾克衫為6.9萬日圓、在香港一件竹纖維夾克的售價則為港幣4,000元及在中國大陸一件高爾夫T恤之售價則為人民幣800元左右等,另現亦有許多知名服飾及運動休閒品牌商開始應用竹纖維於公司產品,如Versace、H&M、THE NORTHFACE、Fila及Nike等。
買一瓶飲料種一棵樹----Innocent Drinks

For every tree you register with a unique code (which can be found on the back of our special cartons) we will donate money on your behalf to grow trees in rural India (you can see exactly where here). We'll also create a tree for you in our virtual forest. If you've come back to check up on your thank you offers then just click here.
Our target is to grow as many trees as we can, so get growing.
register your tree
unique code*:
your name*:
your email address*:
If you're feeling generous you can give your tree to a friend. Just fill this in and send them a nice message.
I'd like to give this tree as a gift to a friend
your friends name:
your friend's email address:
your message: (maximum 40 characters) other people can read your message so please keep it clean (yes that includes you, mum).
stuck for a message? Check out my green fingersLook at me growing a treeTreemendousI'm growing a tree, just for you.You can't climb a bunch of flowersYou and me sitting in a tree...I'm growing a tree in your nameDon't say I never give you anythingTo you from me, a lovely treeJust the tree of us
I'd like to join the innocent family to receive your news including updates on my trees progress
* we need you to complete these sections
By the way, we will never, ever pass your details on to anyone else, but you knew that anyway, didn't you. Your information will only ever be used to send you what you ask us to send you.
環保減碳 中信金這麼做!
其實不只中國信託響應環保議題,台新金控更是推動多項節能方案,除了鼓勵騎腳踏車運動外,行內還推出「Green Life信用卡」,邀請大家刷卡消費也能愛地球。
去年開始,台新金控就首度實施的「涼夏輕裝Cool Biz」,全體員工卸下傳統的西裝、領帶,並調升辦公室溫度,以節省冷氣耗能。
綠色閱讀(22):Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It

Publisher: Bloomsbury USA (May 13, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1596913711
ISBN-13: 978-1596913714
Product Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 0.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
"Bottlemania" author Elizabeth Royte explains how one of life's necessities became an extravagance, denounced by environmentalists and nuns alike.
By Katharine Mieszkowski
To listen to a podcast of the interview, click here.
To subscribe: Click here to add Conversations to iTunes or cut and paste the URL into your podcasting software: Sparkling or still? Spring or tap? Imported or domestic? Flavored or plain? There's nothing simple about a drink of water, now that the bottled stuff outsells both milk and beer in the United States. In just a couple of decades, we've become a nation awash in bottled water -- with tens of billions of plastic empties to prove it -- transforming the drinking fountain on a city street into a dated curiosity akin to the public telephone booth.
Twenty years ago, "bottled" largely meant luxury imported from a remote spring (think Perrier); it was a sign of sophistication. Now, Coke and Pepsi sell the two most popular bottled waters in the country, Dasani and Aquafina, by simply filtering and bottling tap water. Between 1997 and 2006, sales in the United States of this newfangled beverage -- water! -- leapt 170 percent. Not that the upscale stuff has simply evaporated either; today, bottled water is the No. 1 item by units sold at Whole Foods. The average American now drinks almost 28 gallons of bottled water per year, while as recently as 1987 we drank fewer than six.
Yet the staggering popularity of bottled water has inspired a backlash. Royte traces the raucous fight over water rights in one community, Fryeburg, Maine, where spring water is tapped and transformed into Nestle's Poland Spring, whose green label is familiar to many a parched Northeasterner. While wading into the environmental problems with bottled water, Royte also learns that old-fashioned tap water isn't just suffering from a bottled water industry smear campaign -- antibiotics with your water, anyone?

As expected, wind power is the key to this "green industrial revolution". The government accepts that to reach the 15% renewable energy target, nearly 35% of all UK electricity will have to be from renewable sources by 2020 - up from less than 5% today.
The second big growth area envisaged in the document is "bio energy": electricity generated from the burning of straw, wood, waste, and energy crops.
The third strand of the plan involves so-called microgeneration from homes, particularly from solar energy.
Taiwan News / 2008/06/12
與美國AMSC合作 引進風電系統技術 油價不斷走高威脅全球人類生活,替代能源發展成為全球產業發展趨勢,風力發電更是目前台灣發展最快的新興產業之一。
風力發電標案 黃茂雄上火線力挺劉兆凱
( 2008/06/21 03:39 中時電子報 )
2008年6月20日 星期五

via : http://www.recyclesources.com.tw/
聊備一格, 可有可無!
綠色商機 吹遍全台
2008.06.21 03:03 am
【2008/06/21 經濟日報】@ http://udn.com/
綠色閱讀(21):Power of Unreasonable People: How Social Entrepreneurs Create Markets that Change the World
Publisher: Harvard Business School Press (February 4, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1422104060
ISBN-13: 978-1422104064
Product Dimensions: 9.4 x 6.4 x 1 inches
華紙廣東造林 碳權上看20億元
2007.12.23 04:25 am
華紙前三季稅後純益6.64億元,每股稅後純益1.11 元,其中來自鼎豐紙業的獲利貢獻達1.76億元,法人分析,第四季因漿價持續上漲,預期獲利表現將高於第三季。
【2007/12/23 經濟日報】
苗縣設公司 出售排碳權
2008.06.20 03:32 am
【2008/06/20 聯合報】@ http://udn.com/
2008年6月19日 星期四
節能減碳生活化 台灣加緊腳步
報導時間:2008-06-09 13:42
論壇獲各界熱烈響應,包括政府官員、專家學者、產業菁英等500人參加。值得注意的是,主辦單位特別邀請麥克‧諾貝爾博士(Dr.Michael Nobel)來台專題演講。諾貝爾博士身分特殊,是諾貝爾創辦人阿佛列、諾貝爾的曾侄孫,現任諾貝爾慈善基金會(Nobel Charitable Trust)主席。長期參與醫藥研發、解決國際衝突等公益活動,並曾獲多項國際獎章。
節能減碳非口號 必須身體力行
投資節能設備 長期成本降低
減碳需立法配合 新政府兌現競選支票
石油僅剩40年存量 替代能源為當務之急
節能對減碳貢獻度 與發展替代能源同
環保腳步不加快 恐面臨經濟制裁
實施節能策略 等同擁有無形電廠
智慧型節能系統 助企業一臂之力
他認為,目前社會大眾普遍有節能概念,缺的是實際的行動方案。中華電信與縱橫網路資訊公司研發推出的IE net智慧環境服務網(Intelligent Environment service Network),可自動對空調環境進行「空調動態能源管理」,讓空調設備使用更具效率。這套節能解決方案已累積5成功案例,平均節省30至50%電力。若將全台的商用大樓納入此服務系統,估算一年可省下48億度電力。
提神飲料公害 1年亂丟9千萬空瓶

節能商品夯 購物台促銷熱賣
節能商品夯 購物台促銷熱賣
物價飛漲,選家電也要選最節能省電的,2大購物台東森購物、ViVa TV推出數10種節能電器,包括可降低室溫的循環水冷扇、節省瓦斯支出的瓦斯安全節能網等。
■自製點心帶便當 有利器
ViVa TV則打出節電、節水、節瓦斯等3大訴求的節能電器,瓦斯安全節能網強調使瓦斯燃燒完全,提高耐熱度,高效率加熱效果,節省瓦斯支出;MEGA高效能節電器可插在插座上,使電力配送均勻,降低耗電量。業者表示,各式節能商品多管齊下,可大幅減少家庭用電量支出。
■降溫省電 宅配送到家
比誰最省還要比誰最快,東森購物、ViVa TV皆推出24小時快速到貨服務,東森購物當日配,全台及離島金門、澎湖地區皆有配送,(花蓮、台東地區除外);ViVa TV則限台北縣市、桃園新竹等部分地區最快9小時到貨,遲到還送ViVa TV禮金100元。
強強滾瓦斯安全節能網★特色:採用鎳鉻合金絲編織而成具雙重完全燃燒功效,耐熱1200度,使用壽命10萬小時。★原價:1680元★特價:990元★地點:ViVa TV購物台省690元
MEGA高效能節電器★特色:提升整體用電效能,快速補償電流,提高電器產品之使用效率,避免無效電力浪費,達到省電效果。★原價:4980元★特價:2670元★地點:ViVa TV購物台省2310元
綠色照明 奇美電興趣濃

取東亞光電40%股權 奇美電指出,綠色照明是未來具有前曕性的產業,旗下生產冷陰極燈管(CCFL)的啟耀與生產發光二極體(LED)的奇力光電,是奇美跨入光源產業的重要投資,但是CCFL與LED並非只能用在背光模組光源,未來在綠色照明領域的運用上仍有相當的發展潛力。奇美說,由於中國電器在國內照明市場佔有率相當高,除了原有領域,也想跨入新興照明的技術領域,目前擁有CCFL與LED的奇美電剛好可以互補。至於外界認為,中國電器持有威力盟(3080)股權,是否代表奇美電有意間接影響威力盟,奇美電指出,奇美集團已經擁有生產CCFL的啟耀光電,因此對威力盟沒有興趣。

Some brands, such as Wal-Mart and GE, that have spent significant marketing dollars communicating green initiatives are not connecting, according to the April 2008 online poll of 5,000 North Americans for Conscientious Innovation's latest Shift Report.
Just 19 percent identify both Wal-Mart and GE a socially responsible companies.
Only 6.5 percent identify Bank of America as a socially responsible brand.
Those companies led the way with green and CSR (corporate social responsibility) marketing communications in 2007.
The study reveals areas of socially responsible decisions being made by consumers - as well as areas in which they plan to make such decisions:
The top planned areas for socially responsible behavior vacation choices (46 percent), financial investments (45 percent) and choices related to cars (43 percent).
The top areas where socially responsible behavior have been made are food choices, home cleaning, and home energy.
"Green" is not the most important sustainability issue for consumers and isolates the key brand characteristics that consumers are looking for when defining a company as socially responsible:
Most (58 percent) rank global warming as an important sustainability issue; however, social, personal and spiritual sustainability sectors are ranked higher:
Connecting with friends, family and community (90 percent)
Fair trade (73 percent)
Employee treatment (85 percent)
Organic products fell near the bottom as an important sustainability issue (30 percent), whereas commitment to "buying local and supporting locally based business" ranked much higher (more than 60 percent).
The study also found that people are sensitive to a disconnect between glossy ad campaigns and tangible operating practices when ranking key brand characteristics they look for when deciding whether a brand is socially responsible.
The top-ranked characteristics include product design (65 percent), packaging (64 percent), produced locally/sold by a locally based business (57 percent). While not at the top, affiliation with a nonprofit or charitable cause is important to 41 percent of the population.