2008年3月31日 星期一


The Green Exchange was launched with bells and whistles a few months back. Last week the exchange traded for the first time and activity and volume it surpassed all expectations.
The Green Exchange is part of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). During its first week, the equivalent of 1.59 million tons of carbon was traded. That volume makes the Green Exchange “the most successful launch of exchange-traded carbon contracts,” according to a report in the SunHerald.
Contracts traded included European Union carbon allowances futures (EUAs), of which one contract equals 1,000 tons of CO2. Certified Emissions Reductions (CERs), also equaling 1,000 tons of CO2, are also traded. Other contracts traded include SO2 (sulfur dioxide) allowances and NOx (nitrogen oxide) allowances.
The Green Exchange aims to compete mainly with the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCE). Created in 2003, the CCE trades carbon on behalf of 300 companies, including American Electric Power, Ford Motor Co., International Paper, Manitoba Hydro Corp., Motorola Inc., STMicroelectronics.
The Green Exchange’s products are not new inventions but have been traded in Europe and on the Chicago Climate Exchange and its climate spin off, the Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFE) for a number of years already.
The institutions involved in the Green Exchange’s launch are the most likely ones to have participated in last week’s trading. They are Evolution Markets, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, JPMorgan, Merrill Lynch, Tudor Investment, Constellation Energy, Vitol SA and RNK Capital.
On an international level, Europeans are far in the lead in terms of environmental exchange based trading. Last year, $62 billion (E40 billion) worth of carbon credits were traded in on the European Climate Exchange (launched in 2005 by CCX), which was a massive hike of 80% compared to the year before. The ECX operates in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme.
Carbon trading is a vast market but all the participating companies are doing so voluntarily. If you want to get a good insight into who is doing what, check out this EcoSystemMarketplace study into the voluntary carbon trading market place.

March 22, World Water Day

作者:白子易 (朝陽科技大學環工系助理教授)
  為提昇人類對水資源的關心,聯合國大會依據1992年聯合國環境與發展會議(UNCED)在21世紀議程第18章「淡水資源」中提出的建議,在1993年2月22日通過決議,訂每年3月22日為「世界水資源日」(World Water Day)。
  1994:關懷我們的水資源是每個人的責任  1995:女性與水  1996:水對缺水的城市  1997:世界的水──水足夠嗎?  1998:地下水──看不見的水資源  1999:居住在下游的眾生  2000:水對21世紀  2001:水與健康  2002:水對發展  2003:水對未來


3月14日美國有機消費者協會Organic Consumers Association 舉行記者會發佈〔Results Of Testing For 1,4-Dioxane 〕
100項受測個人保養品中47項驗出致癌物dioxane, 其中不乏知名品牌. 洛杉磯時報大幅報導, 標題是:
Popular 'green' products test positive for dioxane." :
 Said Martin Wolf, Seventh Generation Inc.'s director of product and environmental technology, "The natural world is filled with things that can harm. . . . All we can do is work as hard as we can to keep the levels as low as possible and keep our products as safe as possible."
Method, a San Francisco-based company whose products are sold at Target, intentionally does not call its products "natural," said co-founder Adam Lowry. Instead, the labels say "naturally derived" because the plant oils have been processed with ethylene oxide to make them better cleansers.Three of its products were tested, and two -- its ultra-concentrated dish soap and a hand soap -- contained 1,4-dioxane."For us there are no alternatives that are still effective," Lowry said. "Unless you can have a high-performance product, if you have a green product or a natural product, then what's the point of having one that doesn't work?"Method's creamy hand soap, which had 7 parts per million of 1,4-dioxane in the tests, has been reformulated and now contains none, Lowry said."We 100% believe that our products are completely safe and there's zero risk," he said.
Sevnth Generation是美國無毒清潔劑領導品牌, Method是後起新秀.
沒驗出致癌物的品牌中, Burt's, Avalon...在台灣有銷售, 為何沒趁此舉行記者會發佈有利消息?是缺乏行銷預算? 還是資訊的冷感? Seventh Generation, Method, 國內似乎沒代理商. Burt's, Avalon有代理商, 不僅網路販售, 百貨公司都有專櫃.
小眾利基品牌的代理商只做銷售, 無暇顧及行銷?

2008年3月30日 星期日



一路走來 更見佳境!






Sustainable Brands Conference 2008

A very short list of some of the speakers at the conference include:
JoAnna Abrams, Principal, MindClick
Phil Berry, President, Sustainable Product Works, LLC
Benjamin Allen, Senior Research Analyst, Parnassus Investments
Steve Bishop, Global Lead, Design for Sustainability, IDEO
Erin Carlson, Director of Yahoo! for Good, Yahoo! Inc.
Scot Case, Vice President, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, Inc.
Jeffrey Hollender, President and Corporate Responsibility Officer, Seventh Generation Inc.

Seventh Generation Inc.成立於1988年, 美國無毒環保產品先驅! 先前綠化閱讀(2)介紹幾本綠色品牌自我介紹書單 有本What Matters Most:How a small groups of pioneers is teaching social responsibility to gig business, and why big business is listening?正是Seventh Generation創辦人Jeffery Hollender非常出名的著作.


綠色出版怎麼做? 使用大豆環保油墨是最常見的, 除此之外?
In 1997 Health Communications, Inc., a large publisher of self-help and inspirational titles, began donating a dollar to the National Arbor Day Foundation for every book it publishes or prints. Best known for The Chicken Soup for the Soul series, the Deerfield Beach company has its own printing plant, and prints books for other publishers, too.
To date HCI donations, which pay to plant trees, have exceeded $1 million, says HCI spokeswoman Kim Weiss. "In addition," she adds, "we've been using soy-based ink and recycled paper, which is currently up to 30% recycled content for nearly as long. We've also been recyling flawed books, returned books and all paper materials for over two decades."
HCI seeks creative solutions. Its most recent green initiative: Recycling the dust by product of the book binding process. HCI transports the dust to a local non-profit organization called Horses and the Handicapped, a therapeutic riding program for handicapped children and adults, where it is mixed with standard stable bedding for the horses.
HCI went green long before it was fashionable, Weiss says.
The rest of the book publishing industry should be red. As in red-faced with shame and embarrassment. Ah, I guess better late than never. But how long before "late" will be too late?

綠色閱讀(11)Squeaky Green

Squeaky Green: The Method Guide to Detoxing Your Home (Paperback)by Adam Lowry (Author), Eric Ryan (Author)

Product DescriptionWhen Adam Lowry and Eric Ryan founded Method, the environmentally friendly brand of cleaning products, they used packaging stylish enough to showcase on the countertop and pleasant aromas such as green tea and cucumber to transform household products into must-have lifestyle accessories. And when they coined the phrase "People Against Dirty," they weren't just talking about the stuff you track in on your shoes—they also meant the toxic chemicals that make up many household detergents. Packed with helpful tips and surprising facts, their first book, Squeaky Green, is a totally informative and completely entertaining room-by-room guide to giving dirty the boot. Squeaky Green is rehab for chemically dependant homes.

Method創業七年, 年營業額近億美金, 之所以在無毒環保清潔劑市場勝出, 有三大原因:


(2):跳出傳統綠色特殊通路, 切結主流通路Target, 吸引綠色消費者之外的新使用者

(3):創業四年後, 開始推出廣告活動, 主題太棒 People Against Dirty.

綠色主題派對Green Clean Party

Woman Voice for the Earth從1995年起推動環保運動的婦女團體, 在春天一開始, 推出Green Clean Party活動, 清潔劑含有微量毒性物質, 是引起小孩氣喘的原兇之一, 該團體曾針對清潔劑大公司推出請願活動Sign Up Petition foe safe Clean Products.
派對聚會是西方社會日常生活活動型式, 綠色主題派對是很好宣傳推廣方法1

2008年3月29日 星期六

Vanity Fair雜誌專題報導: Green Issue.

2007 年5 月Vanity Fair雜誌 Green Issue專題報導

Yes, totally plagiarized post title, I know (speaking of which, I managed to sneak a peek at this fashionably eco-friendly advice book, Green is the New Black, whilst at Borders yesterday - not too bad, a soon-to-be staple on my bookshelf, perhaps?). But it fitted with the post content, so I figured why not? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all. Lol.Linda Loudermilk is an environmentally friendly fashion designer, who deserves way more credit than she's getting. I know what you're thinking: eco-fashion = scratchy burlap dresses, and plain-Jane (or just plain ugly) designs. Think again. Linda creates beautiful clothes out of sustainable fabrics, bringing a whole new meaning to the beauty of nature. But not only do they look good, they've acquired the all important seal of wear-ability approval.I'm totally in love with her designs, and soon hopefully the rest of the fashion-loving world will be too.Now, I'm sure luxury eco (Loudermilk Inc. has coined this term) isn't for everyone, but I just thought I'd give you a taste of where the future of organic fashion is heading...
2008年Green Issue綠色專題, 以瑪丹娜為封面人物, 五月版封面圖案, 已經對外發佈, 如右圖.
名人加持是任何趨勢形成的中間轉折引爆點, Eco chic, luxury eco,.....keep going!

2008年3月28日 星期五

EARTH HOUR, 3月30日晚上點關燈一小時

Originating in Sydney in 2007, the Earth Hour campaign has now gained global attention. As a result, on 8pm March 29, 2008 millions of people in some of the world’s major capital cities will unite and switch off for Earth Hour. See what is happening in your city and how you can get involved.

從去年在雪梨發起的環保活動"地球時刻Earth Hour", 今年第二屆, 有30個城市加入. 說多巧就多巧, 兩位台中朋友, 約在胡同咖啡, 幫我過五十生日. 關燈點蠟燭, 吃生日蛋糕, 慶祝我綠色行銷計劃, 正式啟程!

2008年3月27日 星期四

Fortune雜誌即將在4月舉辦 Brainstorm Green會議

Brainstorm Green會議即將在地球日舉辦, 邀請102位知名人士演講參加. 包含綠色議題各方關鍵人物, 難免以大型企業知名機構代表性人物為主, 我個人特別注意的三個人是: 
Gary Hirshberg
Chairman, President, and CE-Yo
Stonyfield Farm
Joel Makower
Chairman and Executive Editor
Greener World Media, Inc.
David Roberts
Staff Writer

關於Honest tea的幾篇報導

(1) Tea for Personal Health and Social Justice - Expanded Online Version

(2) Ten tips forsocially responsible startups

(3) Doing business differently

(4) Rapid growth for Honest Tea:for a company that is only three years old, Honest Tea has enjoyed rapid growth in small of bottled iced teas.


In September 2006 Consumer Reports ranked Ecover Automatic Dishwashing Powder number one in performance placing it above Palmolive and Costco's Kirkland Signature. Ecover's Dishwashing Tablets tied America's Choice for second place in the May 2006 issue.
For over 25 years, Ecover has been producing products that adhere strictly to the World Health Organization's definition of heath, which incorporates the wellbeing of the whole .

LONG BEACH, CA (January 8, 2008) – Ecover, Belgium-based manufacturers of ecological detergents and cleansing agents, has garnered high marks from product testers in the January 2008 issue of Consumer Reports magazine. Ecover’s Ecological Dishwashing Liquid ranked in the top eleventh percentile beating out several leading national brands.

Ecover loses its vegan label!

In a recent issue of the US magazine Consumer Reports, the company scored higher than Dawn on its dishwashing liquid, so their stuff must be good for scrubbing. The company’s Ecological Dishwashing Liquid scored in the top eleventh percentile. That means that mose people using it rated it better than many leading ‘normal’ national brands.

At the end of last year the company gave up its use of the Vegan Society logo because it says it can’t guarantee it will exclude tests on water fleas and rabbits’ blood. Ecover tests on water fleas and rabbit blood to detect danger, respectively, to aquatic life and human skin.

I appreciate the honesty.

引述Amplified Green部落格2月14日貼文 Ecover loses its vegan label.

該品牌為上述理由, 採用兔子做實驗, 喪失Vegan認證.



文.林慧淳  攝影.呂恩賜
2008/01 康健雜誌 110期


今天在微風東集手創館又發現Ecover產品! 不同於Super City是自行進口, 是采妮有限公司進口 ,售價偏高, 很傳統的做法, 果然在網路上七折販賣, 而Super City售價大概是東急手創館的一半. 無毒天然環保清潔劑市場太小, 是塊處女地!
本土產品以無患子苦茶粉, 以環保和無添加有害化學添加物為號召. 多年推廣, 尚未見普及. 主要原因在行銷推廣缺乏概念策略, 殊為可惜!
參考國外成功實例, 研究國內市場, 無毒清潔劑是太大潛在在市場, 值得深思.

2008年3月25日 星期二



線上音樂促銷專家Ariel Hyatt

Ariel Hyatt的部落格 arielpublicity. 

用部落格促銷線上音樂, 十分合理, 令我想起英國部落格行銷典範Gapingvoid 的Hugh Macleod, 他用部落格打造南非葡萄酒stormhoek品牌的經典案例, 還持續成長之中!
打造環保綠色品牌, 運用網路媒體, 應該十分合適, 草根型社會運動品味!

2008年3月23日 星期日

雜誌綠色專題報導 :Little Green Lies

美國商業週刊去年十月封面主題 Littlle Green Lies. 主要介紹Aspen Skiing Co.,公司自從1999年任用為in-house corporate sustainbility advocate 的Auden Schendler八年心路歷程! Aspe Skiing Co.,公司是有八百個員工的科羅拉多州大型滑雪中心經營公司, 滑雪場能源銷耗量非常高, Auden Schendler主要工作是降低二氧化碳排放量. 在2006年3月Time雜誌一篇"The Climate Crusaders."的文章中 稱它為"The Snow Man of Aspen." 他所推動的Keep Winter Cool活動非常成功.

ps. Auden Schendler先生之前是知名環保研究智庫Rocky Mountain Institute的研究員. 

2008年3月22日 星期六


eco-chick是2005年10月停刊Organic Style雜誌, 重新再出發的線上網站.
 綠色環保觀念若要普遍流行, 公眾人物言行舉止, 必然是關鍵之一. 其中演藝明星eco-chic絕對是話題焦點.

綠色閱讀(10): Green Chic:Savin inEarth in Style

Book Description :Want to go green without giving up great style? Not sure how to make changes-or why they matter? Welcome to the world of GREEN CHIC. Being green-thoughtfully, consciously green-makes a real difference in the fight against global warming. But did you know that it's also hip, classic, and stylish? --Look gorgeous --Love your wardrobe --Feel amazing --Travel in style --Create a home that's an oasis --Host fun parties --Eat incredible food and drink phenomenal wine --Feel more connected to your friends, family, and nature. (And did we mention that green women don't get fat?) Offering up dozens of author-tested, earth-friendly ideas, lifestyle writer Christie Matheson reveals that being chic and saving the planet aren't mutually exclusive. Can living a chic green lifestyle TRULY makes a difference? You bet your organic sheets it can. It's a calmer, more relaxed, more fabulous path that's about quality - and quality of life. embrace the fabulousness of green living. being green isn't a fad-it's timelessly chic.
三月一日出版的新書, 博客來有賣, 售價NT 402.

2008年3月21日 星期五

Who should do your green marketing?

Who should do your green marketing?
We've got a consumer environment with a whole bunch of challenging drivers including demands for authenticity, reciprocity and community responsibility. None of those are new.
It's not longer OK to leave 'green' to the greenies or blogs to the bloggers. Every communicator has an obligation to come up to speed with the issues and understand how they're influencing not just their patch, but the business world as a whole.


【資料來源轉貼自】:2008/2/19經濟C8版【未上市股票】國際威林生化公司開發的生化觸媒K99,最近在農漁、畜牧、水產業的應用有不錯進展,經田間試驗證實,可應用於病毒、病菌的防治,也可用於解除農藥,有利國內發展無毒的新型農業。 國際威林公司總經理蔡淑貞表示,「K99」是由複合型離子觸媒、長效型生化還原劑和特用生化穩定劑三者組成,可分解病毒、病菌、蛋白質和有機化合物,具有「抗病毒」、「抗菌」功能,利用「生化觸媒」催化空氣中氧氣,產生殺微生物的活性基子。由於觸媒反應速率較一般有機反應快數百萬倍,10分鐘內便可消滅環境中的病毒、細菌、黴菌達90%以上,為廣效型消毒劑。而且因為使用的劑量極低,對環境無害,且安全性高。 蔡淑貞指出,該公司以「K99」的配方開發成為農漁率業專用的產品,具有抗菌、抗病毒,及分解農藥的功能,能減少或替代農藥,殺蟲劑及抗生素的使用,且無殘留及二次污染的問題。該產品運用於水產養殖業,能取代孔雀綠和抗生素的使用,能利用水中氧氣產生殺微生物之活性基子,不僅能更有效對抗病毒、病菌,讓魚苗有更好的繁殖環境,而且不會造成人們食用的負擔。

真的嗎?未上市股票消息, 噱頭居多!


中天 搶攻生機飲食
2008.03.15 02:57 am

繼統一企業併購聖德斯科後, 又一樁有機健康食品通路併購案!
這塊市場成長中, 大企業集團(統一企業, 永豐餘, 台塑.......)不能忽視, 一一進入! 相信一家專業綠色永續行銷溝通顧問公司, 已經有生存條件!

Green Owl Records.綠色搖滾樂品牌

Statement: Green Owl is alive! A record label started by artists for artists. Our goal is to put out great music while respecting our planet.

Green Owl Records is trying to do business in an environmentally conscious way—even if it means driving halfway across the country in a bus fueled by vegetable oil.
該樂團最近的巡迴演唱會交通工具, 以蔬菜油為燃料!

Green Makes Good PR, Not Good Business.

Green makes good PR, not good business.這條部落格貼文, 反映出目前的主流思想, 還環保綠色永續議題是加溫中的未來式! 稍帶理想, 難以立即實現. 噱頭成份大於利頭!

藍領 白領到綠領的新趨勢

Wellcome to green-collar America副標題:Does the future of American middle class lies in sustainable business?報導美國剛通過的能源法案中包含"綠色工作條款"(The Green Job Act.):

"The Green Jobs Act, which passed the House as part of the Energy Bill last August with a vote of 241 to 172, contains specific language about using the green economy as a “pathway out of poverty.” Of the $125 million that would be set aside for job training in renewable energy, energy-efficient vehicles and green building, $25 million of that would be earmarked specifically for those most difficult to hire: at-risk youths, former inmates and welfare recipients. The Energy Savings Act of 2007 sponsored by Bernie Sanders (D-VT) and Hilary Clinton (D-NY) in the Senate allows for $100 million in training for “green-collar jobs,” but is not geared specifically toward low-income Americans."

"College Go Green!"是該雜誌當期封面主題, 談綠色校園, 包括校園綠建築, 校園綠生活, 永續經濟綠色課程學程!
For the past two years, the Sustainable Endowments Institute has had a separate rating system, looking at the 200 public and private universities with the highest endowments, and giving them grades based on shareholder engagement and endowment transparency as well as on food and recycling, green building and other typical green benchmarks. While their statistics show that campus initiatives are growing, with nearly 45 percent of schools committed to fight climate change, endowments to sustainable causes have not kept pace


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Elements ofSustainable Companies
Start-ups with these characteristics often foretells the success of a business and the likelihood of it becoming a sustainable, enduring company. We like to partner with companies that have:
Clarity of Purpose
Summarize the company's business on the back of a business card.
Large Markets
Address existing markets poised for rapid growth or change. A market on the path to a $1B potential allows for error and time for real margins to develop.
Rich Customers
Target customers who will move fast and pay a premium for a unique offering.
Customers will only buy a simple product with a singular value proposition.
Pain Killers
Pick the one thing that is of burning importance to the customer then delight them with a compelling solution.
Think Differently
Constantly challenge conventional wisdom. Take the contrarian route. Create novel solutions. Outwit the competition.
Team DNA
A company’s DNA is set in the first 90 days. All team members are the smartest or most clever in their domain. "A" level founders attract an "A" level team.
Stealth and speed will usually help beat-out large companies.
Focus spending on what's critical. Spend only on the priorities and maximize profitability.
Start with only a little money. It forces discipline and focus. A huge market with customers yearning for a product developed by great engineers requires very little firepower.
Writing ABusiness Plan
We like business plans that present a lot of information in as few words as possible. The following format, within 15-20 slides, is all that’s needed:
Company Purpose
Define the company/business in a single declarative sentence.
Describe the pain of the customer (or the customer’s customer).
Outline how the customer addresses the issue today.
Demonstrate your company’s value proposition to make the customer’s life better.
Show where your product physically sits.
Provide use cases.
Why Now
Set-up the historical evolution of your category.
Define recent trends that make your solution possible.
Market Size
Identify/profile the customer you cater to.
Calculate the TAM (top down), SAM (bottoms up) and SOM.
List competitors
List competitive advantages
Product line-up (form factor, functionality, features, architecture, intellectual property).
Development roadmap.
Business Model
Revenue model
Average account size and/or lifetime value
Sales & distribution model
Customer/pipeline list
Founders & Management
Board of Directors/Board of Advisors
Balance sheet
Cash flow
Cap table
The deal


How does a business start developing sustainable business practices, and go green?
(1):Why? Because unless a company starts green, no company can just “go green” overnight. So it’s very easy to become a target when you announce some of the things you’re doing as a first effort along the way. I made some comments about this here: Sustainability Gets Weak Publicity
(2):The other thing I took away from the Summit is that developing and instituting sustainable practices can be a very complicated process

Freemium Publishing新商業模式

Freemium publishing & Sustainable Business Model

一條部落格貼文, 談Wired雜誌主編(長尾理論一書作者)Chris Anderson先生在Nokia World 2007(Jan. 2008)的發言. Chris Anderson 引述一個創投家Fred Wilson稱之Freemium Publishing的新商業模式:

 "Give your service away for free, possibly ad supported but maybe not, acquire a lot of customers very efficiently through word of mouth, referral networks, organic search marketing, etc, then offer premium priced value added services or an enhanced version of your service to your customer base."

2008年3月20日 星期四

Green Chemistry綠色化工準則.

Green Chemistry(Sustainable Chemistry.)今年即將慶祝10週年! 這個新觀念, 在2005年歸納出12條準則, 如下:

(1). Prevent waste: Design chemical syntheses to prevent waste, leaving no waste to treat or clean up.
(2). Design safer chemicals and products: Design chemical products to be fully effective, yet have little or no toxicity.
(3). Design less hazardous chemical syntheses: Design syntheses to use and generate substances with little or no toxicity to humans and the environment.
(4). Use renewable feedstock: Use raw materials and feedstock that are renewable rather than depleting. Renewable feedstock are often made from agricultural products or are the wastes of other processes; depleting feedstock are made from fossil fuels (petroleum, natural gas, or coal) or are mined.
(5). Use catalysts, not stoichiometric reagents: Minimize waste by using catalytic reactions. Catalysts are used in small amounts and can carry out a single reaction many times. They are preferable to stoichiometric reagents, which are used in excess and work only once.
(6). Avoid chemical derivatives: Avoid using blocking or protecting groups or any temporary modifications if possible. Derivatives use additional reagents and generate waste.
(7). Maximize atom economy: Design syntheses so that the final product contains the maximum proportion of the starting materials. There should be few, if any, wasted atoms.
(8).Use safer solvents and reaction conditions: Avoid using solvents, separation agents, or other auxiliary chemicals. If these chemicals are necessary, use innocuous chemicals. If a solvent is necessary, water is a good medium as well as certain eco-friendly solvents that do not contribute to smog formation or destroy the ozone.
(9). Increase energy efficiency: Run chemical reactions at ambient temperature and pressure whenever possible.
(10). Design chemicals and products to degrade after use: Design chemical products to break down to innocuous substances after use so that they do not accumulate in the environment.
(11). Analyze in real time to prevent pollution: Include in-process real-time monitoring and control during syntheses to minimize or eliminate the formation of byproducts.
(12). Minimize the potential for accidents: Design chemicals and their forms (solid, liquid, or gas) to minimize the potential for chemical accidents including explosions, fires, and releases to the environment.

Another Inconvenient Truth.

Fast Company: Another Inconvenient Truth.
  現在每本英文商業雜誌幾乎沒有一本不多少報導環保綠色新聞! 中文商業雜誌稍少一些, 這是緩慢而巨大的趨勢, 左右搖擺, 曲折迴旋, 但不會停擺; 引爆點尚未出現!

Top 100 key words of green blogs

Do you want people to find you in the green blogosphere? Here, for you, is a list I compiled of the top 100 green related keywords in online searches, using Wordtracker, a new awesome website:
1. global warming
2. water
3. earth
4. nature
5. solar energy
6. polar bears
7. recycling
8. pollution
9. green
10. solar power
endangered species
air pollution
water pollution
solar panels
electric cars
wind energy
climate change
tankless water heater
wind power
geothermal energy
hybrid cars
waste management
tankless water heaters
al gore
planet earth
greenhouse effect
effects of global warming
science news
fossil fuels
oil prices
cause of global warming
natural resources
solar cells
alternative energy
water heaters
green guy
mother earth news
solar panel
earth day
bottled water
climate map
carbon dioxide
climate graphs
human nature
what is global warming
water conservation
thermal energy
free energy
ocean pollution
renewable energy
endangered species list
price of oil
popular science
peak oil
going green
fuel cells
kyoto protocol
causes of global warming
electronic waste
solar powered cars
land pollution
energy star
an inconvenient truth
department of energy
hybrid vehicles
environmental issues
solar water heater
recycling facts
greenhouse gases
global warming facts
organic food
green building
consequences of global warming
science magazine
solar cell
mother earth
go green
genetically modified food
solar dryer
earth science dictionary
national wildlife federation
earth science
noise pollution
carbon footprint
energy conservation
hybrid car

2008年3月19日 星期三


This past Saturday marked the first day of Historic Green, a campaign in New Orleans "to preserve history, incorporate sustainable design and return the community to its former state." Centered in two New Orleans neighborhoods hardest hit by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 - Holy Cross Neighborhood and the Lower Ninth Ward - hundreds of volunteers will undertake 12 projects from March 8 - 23 that will help rebuild a sustainable city.
Of course, many of these projects started well before March 8 and will last well past March 23, but this event, led by the Center for Sustainable Engagement and Development (CSED), is aimed at bringing it all together for one big push. During these two weeks, hundreds of students and young professionals in the construction industry will converge on New Orleans, bringing their energy and ideas to help the people of the Lower Ninth revitalize their community. Architects, engineers, planners, landscape architects, interior designers and contractors will work hand-in-hand with neighborhood residents to restore their historic houses, parks, playgrounds and community centers

EcoPencil by Faber-Castell

In line with the beginning of the school year in Argentina, German firm Faber-Castell has launched a new line of products called EcoPencil, produced with 100% FSC certified wood from reforestation sources in Brazil.
The EcoPencil’s commodity is wood from the ‘Arboris’ project, a 10 thousand hectares reforested area in Minas Gerais (Brazil) that produces 20 cubic meters of wood every hour. The area, which used to be a sterile ground, is now also house to 307 species of native plants.

It works like this: Parents and children planning a party begin by choosing from a variety of online invitations available on the site. Next, they sit down with the birthday child to choose from a list of charitable causes that ECHOage has screened and selected based on their track record of helping children and the environment. Participating charities include Nourish America, EarthCorps, International Child Art Foundation and Girls Inc., among others. Invitations are sent via email, and instead of bringing a wrapped gift, guests are asked to make a secure online donation of $10 to $30 (USD or CDN, depending on where the party takes place). After deducting a 15 percent administration fee, ECHOage sends half of the party proceeds to the child's chosen charity, and remits the other half to the party's host towards the purchase one really special and meaningful gift for the child. The site handles invitations, RSVPs, thank-you notes and reminders as well as collecting parent contact details and allergy information about guests. At the end, the host even gets a tax receipt for the portion of funds donated to charity.
ECHOage是一家生日慶祝活動籌辦公司, 鼓勵大家以環保捐獻取代一般禮物, 其運作構想有其可觀之處!

綠色品牌觀察(13) :橘子工房


因為以前工作的老板歐先生介紹, 才得知橘子工房這個品牌, 可見環保綠色產品推廣之困難, 想要找的人, 不知道去那裡找, 或說廠商推廣無方, 有待加強 !

2008年3月15日 星期六

Patagonia Awarded "Eco Brand of the Year" during ISPO

從2005年起Volvo汽車公司在德國運動器材展每年辦壹個VOLVO Sport Design AWARD表彰運動器材各領域傑出公司, 今年頒發一個年度特別獎:Surfersvillage Global Surf News, 6 February, 2008 : - - Patagonia, Inc. was awarded "EcoBrand of the Year" at the Volvo EcoDesign forum inEcoBrand Munich, Germany, during the ISPO trade show. The award represents the recognition of the outdoor industry for Patagonia's efforts and initiatives to lower its impact on the environment

  元月19日〔綠色品牌觀察(4)Patagonia〕談到這個等著不斷得獎的品牌 現在談環保生態, 好像很前衛流行, Patagonia已經實踐50年, 日本香港有專賣店, 台灣只有水貨.

 問戶外運動愛好者 :"Patagonia聽過沒有? 

 都知道但沒買過! "好像很棒很貴!" 



其中一人還是石牌一家戶外用品專賣店老板, 這是台灣市場實際狀況, [識貨者少!]

Freemium Publishing & Sustainable Business Models

引述一篇部落格報導[Freemium publishing&sustainable business model.] :
Freemium consists of giving away value (and possibly wrapping it in ads), as a lead generator to sell premium products and services. The model minimizes consumer risk by allowing them to become familiar with and reliant on the service before paying for it.
Fred Wilson, the VC, describes it as his favorite business model.
Some of the biggest challenges with freemium based business models are deciding how much to give away free and how much support to give away for free.
Typically freemium offers have ~ a 3% conversion rate, which is typically packaged as a recurring revenue stream.
People buy the reputation, experience, story, and relationship. It is more emotional than logical, and so publishers will become interactive media artists.
Chris Anderson (2009年新書)預告壹個商業革命:無底線低價風暴!


名人綠色八卦Ecorarri部落格LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa supported a swanky eco-fashion designer installation at his mansion built by the Gettys on Thursday night with LA fashion’s movers and shakers in attendance such as Louis Verdad, Tarina Tarantino and Mr. Kim. Mayor Villaraigosa proclaimed that he looked forward to making Los Angeles the eco-fashion capital of the world, to much applause. The event hosted by Earth Pledge, tradeshow powerhouse Designers and Agents, and the Los Angeles Times featured organic and sustainable pieces by Trina Turk, Bendetti, and Trovata among others. Our favorite was a piece by Bahar Shahpar - a gorgeous purple color that she told us was accomplished by hand using vegetable extracts. The evening under the stars was elegant and classic, shedding new light on the movement of eco-fashion’s design conscious focus.

Method :one of the greener brands out there

在2月18日〔綠色品牌觀察(11):Method〕曾說過Method這個品牌, 今天部落格上有篇好文章 "Method : one fo the greener brands out there."

In 2000, high school friends Adam Lowry and Eric Ryan decided to start a brand of cleaning products that wouldn’t kill every life form in sight, but would still do the job. Eight years later, their product line has raked in more than $75 million in annual sales and is appearing in mega-stores like Wal-mart and Target.
Yet, what sets them apart from other eco-friendly brands like Seventh Generation and Ecover is their sleek packaging design. Lowry and Ryan have partnered with designer Karim Rashid to create fun yet functional containers for Method products. One of my favorites, the hourglass-shaped hand soap bottle, is so easily distinguishable on a shelf full of cleaning products that I get really excited when I see it in Target. (Mind you, I’ve never been this excited about hand soap).

[產品設計]是Method成功的特別因素, Method品牌是目前檯面上成功綠色品牌中, 少數以行銷見長的特殊案例. 兩個創辦人, Adam Lowry懂化工, Eric Ryan是廣告人, 卡耐基學院同學. 

2008年3月14日 星期五

John Elkington英國環保綠色經濟先驅人物

Sustainability 是John Elkinton在1987年創立的私營智庫(顧問公司), 他從1974開始從事野生動物保育運動, 因工作需要, 成立Sustainability公司, 蓽路藍縷, 首先只聘請Julian Hailes一位員工, 出版著作極多 其中兩本最是關鍵:The Green Caitalists: industry's search for environmental excellence,(1987); The Green Consumer Guide,(1988), 在1990年The Green Consumer Guide 美國版由John Elkington, Julian Haies, Joel Makower共同編著出版 . Joel Makover 先生因為參與編著, 大腳踏入這領域, 美聯社的一篇報導稱他"the guru of green business practices". Joel Makower在1992年開始主編 The Green Business Letter, 開啟現在Greener World Media,Inc.(which produces GreenBiz.com and its sister sites, ClimateBiz.com, GreenerBuildings.com, and GreenerComputing.com.)高知名度地位, 他two steps forward部落格是該領域重要消息來源. 

回頭來談John Elkington先生吧!上個月5日哈佛大學出版社替他出版The Power of Unreasonable People: How Social Entrepreneurs Create Markets that Change the World. 他列名Fast Company雜誌Social Capitalist Award2008, 他應邀出席今年Davos世界經濟論談發表演講.


Walker洋芋片 清楚標示碳足跡, 該公司與碳信託機Carbon Trust機構合作, 做此標示. 英國在減碳議題看來十分積極, 的報導London Goes Carbon Crazy有精要分析 . Carbon Trust去年3月推出減碳標章一年來, 16家知名企業採用, 包括宣佈全產品碳足跡標示的Tesco, 目前Tesco有30項產品掛上碳足跡標示. 在台灣誰可以提供碳足跡計算? 更根本的問題是消費者不在乎, 廠商也不在乎, 是否國內環保團體活動力太弱?

2008年3月13日 星期四

英國三家社會型企業:belu, eako, goodone.

Treehugger介紹英國三家社會型企業:belu, eako, goodone.
belu:採用生物可分解保特瓶 , 英國第一個碳中和礦泉水品牌. 公司經營目標是賺取百萬英磅, 以執行一個水資源保護計劃.
eako : 針對消防隊福利而創的一個環保概念品牌.
goodone :" creates new clothes from old"收購或接受捐贈舊衣服, 重新解構, 再設計製作一件件獨一無二的衣服. "providing a creative solution for waste reduction in this new era of fast fashion."

Making a Brand Statement With an Eco-Friendly Building

TOKYO (BRANDFlash) -- At the same time ever more marketers are launching ad campaigns to declare their products to be eco-friendly, ever larger numbers of consumers don't believe them. Marketers need to beware this rising eco-cynicism and look for ways to make more authentic brand statements about their green intentions. One place you can find a good example of this is here in Tokyo at the four-story Neals Yard building. The London-headquartered organic body-care and natural remedies chain has four different stores housed in a green building constructed of eco-friendly materials and sustainability-maximized utility systems. And a plaque on the exterior wall marks the specialness of the building.
消費者對環保訴求有相當疑慮, 廠商如何有效溝通? Neals Yard在東京用一棟四層樓環保綠建築 做出強而有效的品牌訴求! 巨大建築物帶來信心! 為品牌旗艦店策略, 做出新注解.


1 .LAS(Linear alkyle sodium sulfovates)
2.Petroleum distillates (aka. napthas)
5.Sodium hypochlorite
6.EDTA (ethylene-diamino-tetra-acetate)
7.Non-recyclable pachaging

Green Marketing Done Right: Burt's Bees New Campaign