Wellcome to green-collar America副標題:Does the future of American middle class lies in sustainable business?報導美國剛通過的能源法案中包含"綠色工作條款"(The Green Job Act.):
"The Green Jobs Act, which passed the House as part of the Energy Bill last August with a vote of 241 to 172, contains specific language about using the green economy as a “pathway out of poverty.” Of the $125 million that would be set aside for job training in renewable energy, energy-efficient vehicles and green building, $25 million of that would be earmarked specifically for those most difficult to hire: at-risk youths, former inmates and welfare recipients. The Energy Savings Act of 2007 sponsored by Bernie Sanders (D-VT) and Hilary Clinton (D-NY) in the Senate allows for $100 million in training for “green-collar jobs,” but is not geared specifically toward low-income Americans."
"College Go Green!"是該雜誌當期封面主題, 談綠色校園, 包括校園綠建築, 校園綠生活, 永續經濟綠色課程學程!
For the past two years, the Sustainable Endowments Institute has had a separate rating system, looking at the 200 public and private universities with the highest endowments, and giving them grades based on shareholder engagement and endowment transparency as well as on food and recycling, green building and other typical green benchmarks. While their statistics show that campus initiatives are growing, with nearly 45 percent of schools committed to fight climate change, endowments to sustainable causes have not kept pace