nvohk招募創始會員股東, 兩個月1250人參加.nvohk is recruiting 5,000+ members to contribute $50 a year to develop and shape the nvohk brand. Membership will be capped at 40,000 members. Members will make major business decisions including logo design, web design, product design, advertising, etc. Members will also receive an exclusive member t-shirt, 35% of nvohk’s net profits in the form of reward points that can be redeemed to purchase products, and 25% off all nvohk products. In addition, nvohk will donate 10% of net profits to environmental organizations selected by its member. 有趣的創業模式,只要5000個會員股東募集完成, 未來不可限量. 這模式非常適合綠色環保品牌的導入!