In a recent issue of the US magazine Consumer Reports, the company scored higher than Dawn on its dishwashing liquid, so their stuff must be good for scrubbing. The company’s Ecological Dishwashing Liquid scored in the top eleventh percentile. That means that mose people using it rated it better than many leading ‘normal’ national brands.
At the end of last year the company gave up its use of the Vegan Society logo because it says it can’t guarantee it will exclude tests on water fleas and rabbits’ blood. Ecover tests on water fleas and rabbit blood to detect danger, respectively, to aquatic life and human skin.
I appreciate the honesty.
引述Amplified Green部落格2月14日貼文 Ecover loses its vegan label.
該品牌為上述理由, 採用兔子做實驗, 喪失Vegan認證.