TOKYO (BRANDFlash) -- At the same time ever more marketers are launching ad campaigns to declare their products to be eco-friendly, ever larger numbers of consumers don't believe them. Marketers need to beware this rising eco-cynicism and look for ways to make more authentic brand statements about their green intentions. One place you can find a good example of this is here in Tokyo at the four-story Neals Yard building. The London-headquartered organic body-care and natural remedies chain has four different stores housed in a green building constructed of eco-friendly materials and sustainability-maximized utility systems. And a plaque on the exterior wall marks the specialness of the building.
消費者對環保訴求有相當疑慮, 廠商如何有效溝通? Neals Yard在東京用一棟四層樓環保綠建築 做出強而有效的品牌訴求! 巨大建築物帶來信心! 為品牌旗艦店策略, 做出新注解.