2008年3月4日 星期二


1. Recycling
2. Transportation
3. Power management
4. Office guidelines
: Default all printers to duplex printing. Encourage employees to only print what's necessary and to use "soft copies" for everything else. Encourage and reward activities across the company that demonstrate employees "living the green brand."
5. Supplier & partner guidelines
6. Community engagement & activation
7. Community participation
8. Channel choices: Consider the carbon impact of your marketing channels, and how you read, influence and empower your customers. Participating in a trade show, for example, is a carbon footprint-heavy strategy compared to an online-based, community-based activity that likely can achieve the same awareness or demand generation results
9. Competitive advantage: If being green is truly a key and possibly new part of your brand message and positioning, lean into it. Make it something that everyone across your organization -- sales, marketing, customer support, etc. -- is reciting as a mantra in their individual engagements with your customers and prospects. Make your green strategy a true competitive advantage
10. Endorsements & associations: Partner with Energy Star, buy products from suppliers with strong environmental stories
