Squeaky Green: The Method Guide to Detoxing Your Home (Paperback)by Adam Lowry (Author), Eric Ryan (Author)
Product DescriptionWhen Adam Lowry and Eric Ryan founded Method, the environmentally friendly brand of cleaning products, they used packaging stylish enough to showcase on the countertop and pleasant aromas such as green tea and cucumber to transform household products into must-have lifestyle accessories. And when they coined the phrase "People Against Dirty," they weren't just talking about the stuff you track in on your shoes—they also meant the toxic chemicals that make up many household detergents. Packed with helpful tips and surprising facts, their first book, Squeaky Green, is a totally informative and completely entertaining room-by-room guide to giving dirty the boot. Squeaky Green is rehab for chemically dependant homes.
Product DescriptionWhen Adam Lowry and Eric Ryan founded Method, the environmentally friendly brand of cleaning products, they used packaging stylish enough to showcase on the countertop and pleasant aromas such as green tea and cucumber to transform household products into must-have lifestyle accessories. And when they coined the phrase "People Against Dirty," they weren't just talking about the stuff you track in on your shoes—they also meant the toxic chemicals that make up many household detergents. Packed with helpful tips and surprising facts, their first book, Squeaky Green, is a totally informative and completely entertaining room-by-room guide to giving dirty the boot. Squeaky Green is rehab for chemically dependant homes.
Method創業七年, 年營業額近億美金, 之所以在無毒環保清潔劑市場勝出, 有三大原因:
(2):跳出傳統綠色特殊通路, 切結主流通路Target, 吸引綠色消費者之外的新使用者
(3):創業四年後, 開始推出廣告活動, 主題太棒 People Against Dirty.