Yes, totally plagiarized post title, I know (speaking of which, I managed to sneak a peek at this fashionably eco-friendly advice book, Green is the New Black, whilst at Borders yesterday - not too bad, a soon-to-be staple on my bookshelf, perhaps?). But it fitted with the post content, so I figured why not? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all. Lol.Linda Loudermilk is an environmentally friendly fashion designer, who deserves way more credit than she's getting. I know what you're thinking: eco-fashion = scratchy burlap dresses, and plain-Jane (or just plain ugly) designs. Think again. Linda creates beautiful clothes out of sustainable fabrics, bringing a whole new meaning to the beauty of nature. But not only do they look good, they've acquired the all important seal of wear-ability approval.I'm totally in love with her designs, and soon hopefully the rest of the fashion-loving world will be too.Now, I'm sure luxury eco (Loudermilk Inc. has coined this term) isn't for everyone, but I just thought I'd give you a taste of where the future of organic fashion is heading...
2008年Green Issue綠色專題, 以瑪丹娜為封面人物, 五月版封面圖案, 已經對外發佈, 如右圖.
名人加持是任何趨勢形成的中間轉折引爆點, Eco chic, luxury eco,.....keep going!