A very short list of some of the speakers at the conference include:
JoAnna Abrams, Principal, MindClick
Phil Berry, President, Sustainable Product Works, LLC
Benjamin Allen, Senior Research Analyst, Parnassus Investments
Steve Bishop, Global Lead, Design for Sustainability, IDEO
Erin Carlson, Director of Yahoo! for Good, Yahoo! Inc.
Scot Case, Vice President, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, Inc.
Jeffrey Hollender, President and Corporate Responsibility Officer, Seventh Generation Inc.
Seventh Generation Inc.成立於1988年, 美國無毒環保產品先驅! 先前綠化閱讀(2)介紹幾本綠色品牌自我介紹書單 有本What Matters Most:How a small groups of pioneers is teaching social responsibility to gig business, and why big business is listening?正是Seventh Generation創辦人Jeffery Hollender非常出名的著作.