In 2000, high school friends Adam Lowry and Eric Ryan decided to start a brand of cleaning products that wouldn’t kill every life form in sight, but would still do the job. Eight years later, their product line has raked in more than $75 million in annual sales and is appearing in mega-stores like Wal-mart and Target.
Yet, what sets them apart from other eco-friendly brands like Seventh Generation and Ecover is their sleek packaging design. Lowry and Ryan have partnered with designer Karim Rashid to create fun yet functional containers for Method products. One of my favorites, the hourglass-shaped hand soap bottle, is so easily distinguishable on a shelf full of cleaning products that I get really excited when I see it in Target. (Mind you, I’ve never been this excited about hand soap).
[產品設計]是Method成功的特別因素, Method品牌是目前檯面上成功綠色品牌中, 少數以行銷見長的特殊案例. 兩個創辦人, Adam Lowry懂化工, Eric Ryan是廣告人, 卡耐基學院同學.