名人綠色八卦Ecorarri部落格LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa supported a swanky eco-fashion designer installation at his mansion built by the Gettys on Thursday night with LA fashion’s movers and shakers in attendance such as Louis Verdad, Tarina Tarantino and Mr. Kim. Mayor Villaraigosa proclaimed that he looked forward to making Los Angeles the eco-fashion capital of the world, to much applause. The event hosted by Earth Pledge, tradeshow powerhouse Designers and Agents, and the Los Angeles Times featured organic and sustainable pieces by Trina Turk, Bendetti, and Trovata among others. Our favorite was a piece by Bahar Shahpar - a gorgeous purple color that she told us was accomplished by hand using vegetable extracts. The evening under the stars was elegant and classic, shedding new light on the movement of eco-fashion’s design conscious focus.