2008年3月9日 星期日


Auden Schendler is director of community and environmental responsibility for the Aspen Skiing Company. 他在Orion雜誌上一篇文章:The Big Green Lie引述William Reilly(前美國EPA環保署署長)“a compelling blueprint for how companies can address critical environmental problems, from climate change to water, and improve their performance, gain competitive advantage, make money, and win friends.” 和自己時實際工作經驗, 提醒想採行綠色環保經營策略的企業, 這條路並非坦途, 不像一些企管顧問鼓吹Save the Planet&Make Money,....Making money by doing good ,說得天經地義, 理所當然, 是篇好文章!
