2008年2月11日 星期一


德國科學玩具教具公司(www.thmasandkosmos.com)推出有太陽能發電和風力發電設備在內的模型屋, 滿足對永續環保好奇, 在現實社上做不到的消費者慾望! 
One day, many new full-sized homes may resemble the Power House. The USD 149.95 miniature model from science-kit distributor Thames & Kosmos comes with a working green house, solar panels, a wind mill and a desalinization system. The kit’s aim: teach children what it’s like to live off the grid, and get them (and their parents) to “consider a life without fossil fuel.” To make the experience more realistic, the user manual incorporates a storyline about high-tech pioneers inhabiting a small island who must make use of limited resources to survive. The 70 experiments and 20 building projects that form part of the kit mimic the tasks the kit’s fictional pioneers must perform
