via : BostonBusiness Journal. May 22. 2008.
Dunkin' Donuts was to break ground Thursday on its first LEED certified restaurant -- guidelines reflecting tough environmental standards.
The latest Dunkin' restaurant, to be built out in St. Petersburg, Fla., will include energy-efficient construction and lighting, as well as water-efficient elements. It will serve as a prototype for the Canton, Mass.-based company, said Stephen J. Caldeira, chief global communications and public affairs officer for Dunkin' Brands, which operates Dunkin' Donuts.
LEED certification is recognized as the standard for "green" building in the U.S. The rating system, created by the United States Green Building Council, is a voluntary point-based rating system used to certify buildings as "green." LEED criteria are grouped into categories such as: sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor environmental quality, as well as innovation and design process.
Dunkin' Donuts has more than 7,900 restaurants in 30 countries worldwide; global sales in 2007 were $5.3 billion.
任何注重企業形象的商店, 採用綠建築設計, 是必然趨勢!
你在考慮成本效益, 煩惱技術困難, 不敢下決定之前, 一定有競爭對手率先行動!
2008年5月30日 星期五
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