Building your green business, or greening an existing one, is a journey. And like any journey in life, you may have to blaze your own trail.
Sustainable business models are a rather new phenomenon - there aren’t exactly a slew of entrepreneurs out there concerned with a triple bottom line. So although there are many places you could turn to find a checklist for greening your business, you probably won’t find one that’s an exact fit for your company. The best solution is to define for yourself what it means to be a sustainable business, and make your own checklist of actions and standards to hold yourself to
Sustainable business models are a rather new phenomenon - there aren’t exactly a slew of entrepreneurs out there concerned with a triple bottom line. So although there are many places you could turn to find a checklist for greening your business, you probably won’t find one that’s an exact fit for your company. The best solution is to define for yourself what it means to be a sustainable business, and make your own checklist of actions and standards to hold yourself to
This article is the twelfth in a series called Green Dreams following my journey starting a green design business. You can learn along with me: read the series introduction, see some green business resources, get inspired, learn how to write a business plan, find out how to name your business, learn why sustainability should be a part of your planning from the beginning, avoid commuting by working from home, build green business practices into your daily workflow, work towards a paperless office, get certified green, and stock your green office! Stay tuned for more every other week on starting a green business!